Peces de policultivo
Una forma de intensificar el cultivo de peces sin un aporte de alimento costoso es a través del policultivo. De esta manera, el alimento natural producido en el medio de cultivo se utiliza en mayor medida a través de hábitos de alimentación compatibles o complementarios de peces que no compiten entre sí. Para aprovechar al máximo los alimentos naturales, y dado que los peces pueden cambiar su alimento si se agotan sus recursos alimentarios regulares, es muy importante determinar la proporción correcta entre las diferentes especies en el policultivo, según las condiciones ecológicas del estanque y con el fin de ajustarlos para que no compitan entre sí.
- Abstract, 2016, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies The study optimized the stocking density for Azolla based carp polyculture ponds under 3 different treatments like T 1 : 10000 fish ha-1 , T 2 : 11500 fish ha-1 and T 3 : 12500 fish ha-1. Fishes (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,...
- Abstract, 2009, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper Global aquaculture development is at a crossroads with many critical aspects of sustainability that needs to be addressed. Mariculture, the production of aquatic organisms in brackish and saline water, has increased throughout the...
- In Northeastern region of India, livelihood of majority of the rural communities depends on rice farming. The tribal population of the region traditionally practices shifting and terrace rice cultivation in hills and wet rice cultivation in the valleys. The core diet of the inhabitants of the...
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- Dr. Dani Kacha, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7 Issue 10, October 2020 Paddy-cum-fish cultivation a unique economic activity is practiced by the farming communities in all over the world. This is one of the innovative farming techniques...