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Edible : Rhizome, Root, Leaves, Herb, Spice, Vegetable, Flowering stalk, Flowers,

A perennial herb with swollen underground stems. It can grow 30-100 cm tall. The underground stem or rhizome branches and is horizontal near the soil surface. It is about 1.5-2.5 cm thick. Inside the rhizome is yellow and it is covered with scales forming a circle around it. The leaves are long (30 cm) and narrow (4 cm). Each leafy shoot usually has 8-12 leaves in two vertical lines on opposite sides of them. The leaf blade narrows evenly to the leaf tip. The flower is a cone 6 cm long on a stalk up to 30 cm long. (Flowers are not produced in all locations.)

It is a tropical plant. It is mainly grown from sea level up to 1900 m altitude in the tropics but will grow at higher places. It needs a loose fertile soil. It does best with plenty of humus. It requires a rainfall of 1500 mm or more per year. It does best where there is a short dry season and a good hot temperature. It cannot stand water-logging. In Nepal it grows to about 2500 m altitude. It suits hardiness zones 9-12. In Sichuan and Yunnan.

Common names : Ginger, Ada, Adi, Adrak, Aduwa, Ahirinri, Ai thing, Ale, Aliah, Allam, Allamu, Allan, Amada, Andrakam, Ardraka, Binzali, Cagolaya ni vavalagi, Chiang, Citta, Entangawuzi, Fiu, Gengibre, Gernber, Gin, Gingembre, Giung, Gung, Gyin, Gyinsein, Hajing, Halia, Haliya, Hanso, Hasisunti, Imbir, Inchi, Inguru, Ingwer, Inji, Inngy, Jahe, Jambu air, Jengibre, Jeung, Jiang, Jinjaa, Kaphu, Kari, Kebab, Keung, Khing, Knei, Luya, Mutugururu, Sawh-thing, Shibiri, Shoga, Shombiy, Sigaram, Siing, Soanth, Subru, Take, Tangawisa, Tangawisi, Tangawusa, Theing, Tubanka, Zangabil, Zenzero, Zimioga,

Synonyms :

Amomum angustifolium Salisb.;
Amomum zingiber L.;
Zingiber aromaticum Noronha;
Zingiber cholmondeleyi (F. M. Bailey) K. Schum.;
Zingiber missionis Wall.;
Zingiber sichuanense Z.Y. Zhu et al;
Zingiber zingiber (L.) H. Karst;

