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  1. 19/3/1999 En tres programas de Honduras se han buscado maneras en que los agricultores deladeras pobres puedan captar el agua de lluvia en sus propios campos y retenerla allí dos o tres meses. El agua podría posteriormente utilizarse para el riego suplementario durante las sequías o para extender la...
  2. 14/4/2020 Este artículo es una actualización de los jardines de “100 veces” que se están construyendo en Honduras. Dan Sikkink comparte perspectiva y fotos para contextualizar la técnica para adaptarse al contexto local.
  3. iDE is a global team of 1,200 changemakers coming from diverse backgrounds within international development and the private sector. What we all have in common is the belief that one entrepreneur can change their community and millions can change the world. Our work stands out in the international...
  4. 19/1/1995 Sponsors: Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales (ESNACIFOR) Organization Internacional de las Maderas Tropicales (OIMT) binder contains 27 pieces: 1. list of 28 Timber Species of the Tropical Humid Forest of Honduras 2. Estudio Fenologico de 28 species maderables del bosque humedo tropical de...
  5. 1/4/1998 This research illustrates that the traditional practice of burning the fields prior to planting creates extreme runoff and erosion hazard. Technical Bulletin no. 98-2 21 pages, illustrated, photos
  6. Rural people ultimately decide how their land will be managed and recommendations for change must be perceived to be beneficial, often in the short-term, by the supposed beneficiaries. Improved knowledge of crop-tree interactions may not be incorporated into management strategies if this...
  7. 13/11/2018 Many farmers in Honduras' dry corridor have been leaving their farms and migrating to cities due to droughts. Hydrologic design allows improves biological, chemical, and physical conditions in the soil, and increases resilience in farms to climate variability. Erlin Escoto Valladares Erlin Escoto...
  8. 19/6/1992 A method for using the fruit ("apple") to which the cashew nut is attached.
  9. 1/1/1989 134 pp. :dibujos Sergio Midence 4ta Edicion 1994 2 copias