Purpose. The Sector Environmental Guidelines present information on common USAID development actions regarding:
- the typical, potential adverse impacts of activities in these sectors;
- how to prevent or otherwise mitigate these impacts, both in the form of general activity design guidance and specific design, construction and operating measures;
- how to minimize vulnerability of activities to climate change; and
- more detailed resources for further exploration of these issues.
Environmental Compliance Applications.
The Sector Environmental Guidelines series directly support environmental compliance by providing: information essential to assessing the potential impacts of activities, and to the identification and detailed design of appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures.
However, the Sector Environmental Guidelines are not specific to USAID’s environmental procedures. They are generally written and are intended to support the general environmentally and socially sustainable approaches to common sectors, regardless of the specific environmental requirements, regulations, or processes that apply, if any. Site specific context must be considered when using these guidelines and additional or modified impacts and mitigation measures may be required.
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USAID SEG Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining
USAID’s Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector Environmental Guideline (SEG) are designed for project managers, project implementers, practitioners, or others working on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) issues and in ASM communities.
This SEG for ASM introduces the range of possible impacts, particularly environmental, health, and socio-political, and explains how project managers and others can support prevention and/or mitigation through project design, environmental review, and during the development of site-specific Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plans (EMMPs). This guideline is also intended to help USAID partners, staff, and other practitioners understand climate change impacts to and from ASM activities. Finally, the references section of the document lists cited documents as well as additional resources and references on this topic.
USAID SEG Water Supply & Sanitation
This document presents one sector of the Sector Environmental Guidelines prepared for USAID under the Agency’s Global Environmental Management Support Project (GEMS). All sectors are accessible at www.usaidgems.org/bestPractice.htm.
The purpose of this document and the Sector Environmental Guidelines overall is to support environmentally sound design and management (ESDM) of common USAID sectoral development activities by providing concise, plain-language information regarding:
- the typical, potential adverse impacts of activities in these sectors;
- how to prevent or otherwise mitigate these impacts, both in the form of general activity design guidance and specific design, construction and operating measures;
- how to minimize vulnerability of activities to climate change; and • more detailed resources for further exploration of these issues.