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  1. Recurso clave
    17/5/2018 Muchas plantas consideradas invaluables para el pequeño productor ofrecen alimento nutritivo para la familia, forraje para los animales o madera para la construcción. ¡De manera notable, el bambú ofrece todas estas tres ventajas en una sola planta perenne! Esta Nota Técnica se centrará en cómo...
  2. 1/9/1981 This manual, developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Point Four program, presents critical features and principles of using bamboo as a building material. Information provided in the manual includes the following: parts of a house for which bamboos are suitable, bamboo...
  3. 1/1/1985 Detailed descriptions with illustrations and photos on building with bamboo. Includes German text. 2 volumes, illustrated, photos
  4. 1/1/1985 Bambú es que una de las personas de los materiales más viejas usado aumenta su consuelo y bienestar. En el mundo de hoy de plásticos y acera, además de continuar haciendosus contribuciones tradicionales, bambú está creciendo en la importancia. Excelente las variedades de bambú de a lo largo de el...
  5. Bamboo teaching is a field that I have been involved in since 2016 beginning with presenting bamboo talks and facilitating workshops for Bamboo U, Bali. It is a real privilege for me to be able to share my bamboo journey and experience with those that are on the same path. More recently I have...
  6. In India there is a saying that “after birth one cannot survive without bamboo”. The early human use of bamboo tools and technology may have preceded the usage of the Stone Age tools, but unlike stone, bamboo is perishable and no record of the use has been preserved. Bamboo is an extremely...
  7. 19/1/1995 Brings together the pratical experience of engineers working in the field. Shows how bamboo has been used in different designs in developing countries. 65 pages, illustrated
  8. Abstract, Int Jrnl of Built Environment and Scientific Research, 2020 Indonesia is located in a hot, humid climate, and one of the abundant and indigenous natural resources in Indonesia is bamboo plants. People in everyday life widely use bamboo. However, the community has not been adequately...

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