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CAHWs are members of the rural community who have been trained to provide basic animal health care. Indispensable, they often act as the first point of contact for animal health care in areas where professional veterinarians are few or absent. Their training enables them to provide vaccinations, anti-parasite treatments and first aid, as well as advice on animal nutrition and reproduction.

In these remote areas, CAHWs are essential for keeping livestock healthy, improving rural communities’ livelihoods, food security and resilience. They also help prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases, and play an important role in educating livestock farmers about sustainable livestock management practices.

Despite their crucial role, CAHWs face a number of significant challenges. Lack of legal recognition in some countries can limit their ability to provide services and obtain essential medical supplies. In addition, they need ongoing access to training to keep up to date with the latest veterinary practices and emerging health challenges.

---   VSF International

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  5. 1/1/2009 212 pp. : ill.
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  9. African Union/Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources, Nairobi
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  12. #SDGAction42636 In remote areas underserved by public or private qualified veterinarians, VSF trains members of hard to reach and at-risk communities in good husbandry practices and basic animal health care. These trained CAHWs are able to perform a limited range of veterinary tasks and...
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  14. In line with its mandate and to improve its capacity to strengthen Veterinary Services and , WOAH has reformed its training system and has created for this purpose its Global Platform for the Training of Veterinary Services. This Platform has been implemented to manage WOAH training activities...
  15. Dr. Maureen Birmingham and Dr. Peter Quesenberry,Revised Edition 2016 ISBN 978-1-886532-45-8 La idea de escribir este libro nació hace varios años. El trabajo comenzó oficialmente en 1985 con el trabajo del Dr. Veterinario Bill Baker quien había trabajado como veterinario en Haití por 8 años. El...
  16. VSF Internationalpromotes a holistic approach, integrating human, animal and environmental health, and pursues humanitarian, development, scientific, educational and advocacy objectives. VSF International’s members are mainly active in the implementation of sustainable development programs in 28...
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