1. 19/11/2019 Session :Green manure/cover crops are the only feasible way for smallholder farmers to significantly increase the organic matter content of their basic grain fields (that is, anything over 0.5 ha) at a reasonable cost. We can now say that we know of good species and systems that will work in...
  2. Session:By using green manure/cover crops, rural families can make sure theyhave enough calories, with or without droughts. By growing ediblegm/ccs (nearly all of which are leguminous, they can get enough proteins.By drying and storing the leaves of lablab beans or cowpeas, they can add to their...
  3. Recurso clave
    1/1/1985 Cultivos de estiércol verde son plantas que [muchas veces en Norteamérica] se cultivan para incorporar en la tierra para aumentar la fertilidad del suelo. Los estiércoles verdes leguminosos (por ej., aquellos que pueden funcionar como fertilizantes de nitrógeno con la conversión de nitrógeno...
  4. 26/11/2019 Session:By using green manure/cover crops, rural families can make sure theyhave enough calories, with or without droughts. By growing ediblegm/ccs (nearly all of which are leguminous, they can get enough proteins.By drying and storing the leaves of lablab beans or cowpeas, they can add to their...
  5. Recurso clave
    1/1/2014 A fin de lograr niveles altos de productividad agrícola en los trópicos al más bajo costo posible tanto en términos económicos como ecológicos, necesitamos comprender adecuadamente la relación entre los nutrientes en el suelo y la productividad de los cultivos. Para que esto suceda, la...
  6. Session :Green manure/cover crops are the only feasible way for smallholder farmers to significantly increase the organic matter content of their basic grain fields (that is, anything over 0.5 ha) at a reasonable cost. We can now say that we know of good species and systems that will work in...
  7. Recurso clave 21/5/2019 Now available through Amazon as well as the ECHO Bookstore Smallholder farmers around the world face some of the harshest growing conditions globally, yet they produce the majority of the world’s food. Soils in these areas often lack nutrient and water holding capacities, due to erosion or poor...
  8. 1/1/2012 Strong gradients of decreasing soil fertility are found in many regions of the world. Millions of smallholders are now facing this serious crisis which causes them lower crop yields, and many of these families also suffer from food insecurity. With the aim of promoting recovering soil fertility...
  9. 8/4/2016 Un informe de Roland Bunch referente a sus esfuerzos para promover abonos verdes y cultivos de cobertura en África.
  10. 19/1/1995 Information about green manure and cover crop legumes.
  11. A group conversation with Roland Bunch about GMCCs that might be used in highland areas. For other presentations during the ECHO East Africa Highlands Symposium: http://edn.link/t4wnhf
  12. Session:The major factor in the increase in droughts across Africa has been caused mostly by the gradual death of fallowing, and the resulting decrease in rainwater infiltration from about 60% down to 20% in most areas. GM/CCs are the only feasible way to save Africa from the rapidly increasing...
  13. 20/10/2006 Development is a) a process of people learning to solve their own problems, b) sustainably. It means progressing from one problem to another. Agricultural development is possible in more ways and climates than people often think.
  14. 19/11/1997 Principles for increasing organic matter in order to increase soil fertility. Little by little, work in a dozen countries has convinced us that the vast majority of soils can be made highly fertile. How? By using our first principle:maximize organic matter production.
  15. Biographical information:Ken Giller,Professor of Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University -joined Wageningen in 2001 after holding professorships at Wye College, University of London, and the University of Zimbabwe. He currently heads up a multifaceted project,N2Africa, which puts nitrogen...
  16. Recurso clave 1/6/1995 Effective agricultural improvement work grows out of years and years of trying one approach after another, of searching constantly for new, more effective ways of working. Each new approach must not only be tried out, but must be evaluated on the basis of generous amounts of feedback from the...
  17. Roland Bunch What are these benefits for smallholder farmers practicing regenerative agriculture, and what are theydoing to achieve them? First and foremost, eachwants to have enough food to feed his family. This is the highest priority goal of virtually all smallholder farmers in any developing...
  18. 1/9/2024 This publication shares experiences about the uses of cropping systems to overcome hungerfrom the renound international agricultural developmentexpert, Roland Bunch.
  19. 1/9/2024 This publication shares experiences about the uses of gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) from the knowledgable green manure cover crop expert, Roland Bunch.
  20. 1/9/2024 This publication shares experiences about the uses of jack bean (Canavaial ensiformis) from the knowledgable green manure cover crop expert, Roland Bunch.
  21. 1/9/2024 This publication shares experiences about the uses of pigeon pea(Cajanus cajan) or Lablab purpureusfrom the knowledgable green manure cover crop expert, Roland Bunch.
  22. 19/11/1987 Success Reported On Homemade Mouse Trap What We Have Learned To Date About Green Manure Crops For Small Farmers