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Good intentions and viable solutions will have little impact unless we engage with farmers in ways that are meaningful to them. Farmers put a great deal of confidence in what they learn from fellow farmers’ experiences, and they are more likely to trust what they see over what they hear.  Interacting with peers also helps farmers to learn from and share with each other.

  1. Recurso clave ¿Entones usted quiere ayudar a la gente que vive en el trópico? ¡Maravilloso! El trópico está esperando por usted. No importa cuáles sean sus habilidades, usted puede mejorar la vida de otras personas que viven en el trópico. La preocupación que usted tiene por el bienestar físico y espiritual de...
  2. Recurso clave
    1/6/1993 Cada año, una serie de personas que trabajan en el área de desarrollo comunitario dedican algunos días a estudiar y planificar en ECHO. En realidad su verdadera necesidad no es tanto obtener un poco más de conocimiento (estudiar), sino un plan de proyecto sobre cómo van a proceder para ayudar a...
  3. 13/3/2020 This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 41. With a new decade upon us, the ECHO Asia team is pleased to highlight the next chapter in its engagement with the Asia regional network. Many of you are well aware of the goings on of ECHO Asia, but for some it may come as news that we have launched a new...
  4. For many of us the idea of “research” is scary. We are not trained in it. We picture rigorous statistical analyses that we are unfamiliar with. We have seen glossy scientific journals with technical words that we do not understand. Besides, isn’t our goal to directly help smallholder farmers? Why...
  5. 5/8/2015 Buenas intenciones y soluciones viables tendrán poco impacto si no nos conectamos con agricultores de maneras significantes para ellos. Los agricultores ponen confianza en lo que aprenden de las experiencias de otros agricultores, y son más dispuestos a confiar en lo que ven que en lo que...
  6. 23/7/2015 Las buenas intenciones y las soluciones viables tendrán poco impacto a menos que nos involucremos con los productores en formas que sean significativas para ellos. Los productores tienen gran confianza en lo que aprenden de las experiencias de otros productores y es más probable que confíen en lo...
  7. 20/4/2020 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes –...
  8. Current and Future Roles in Extension and Advisory Services in Southeast Asia Prepared by Abram Bicksler and Rick Burnette, ECHO Asia Impact Center; Ricky Bates, Penn State University Farm Center Indochina (FCI) (November 2013) Sustainable Agriculture Training Center, Hmawbi (SATC) (October 2013)...
  9. 20/10/2013
  10. 16/11/2017
  11. Recurso clave 1/6/1993 The premise that on-farm experimental research is necessary has been widely accepted by those agricultural researchers in Africa who have been exposed to on-farm research philosophies. By teaching and reviewing on-farm research programs, I have become aware of the unique practical and conceptual...
  12. 14/11/2018 This workshop will include utilizing results from project work conducted over the past year that will illustrate the importance of the Partnership Development Process, Comparison of a Traditional Needs Assessment model that was utilized years earlier from another agency’s work versus an Asset...
  13. 1/1/1997 The objective of applied agricultural research is to identify new farming practices and materials that will improve the farmers' production system and increase their productivity and well-being. in a way that can be sustained. Traditionally, this research has been conducted in research stations,...