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  1. G.P.C. Ogoudedji,J.A. Yabi,R.N. Yegbemey, Agronomie Africaine, Apr 1, 2021 Like in many other developing countries, smallholder farmers in the Pendjari region located in NorthBenin have low crop productivities and further earn low income. This is due in a large part to soil fertility decline and...
  2. A. Dansi, R. Vodouhè, P. Azokpota, H. Yedomonhan, P. Assogba, A. Adjatin, Y. L. Loko, I. Dossou-Aminon, K. Akpagana, "Diversity of the Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species of Importance in Benin",The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2012, Article ID 932947, 19 pages, 2012....
  3. En este video mostramos una técnica para elaborar un insecticida natural con los frutos del árbol del paraíso también conocido como Neem. Este árbol crece en regiones subtropicales de la India, África y de las Américas. Este insecticida ha sido probado en distintos cultivos como por ejemplo el...
  4. En este video mostramos una técnica para elaborar un insecticida natural con los frutos del árbol del paraíso también conocido como Neem. Este árbol crece en regiones subtropicales de la India, África y de las Americas.The voiceover was done by a volunteer at no cost to any granting program....
  5. 19/12/1993 Velvet bean,Mucuna pruriens, hasprobably had more impact on farmers lives than any plant distributed from our seedbank.
  6. Abstract, RUFORUM, 2018 Malnutrition is one of the most serious problems throughout the world and children are especially vulnerable to it. The aim of this research is to formulate foods fortified with baobab fruit pulp and moringa leaf powder for under-five-years old children. Specifically, the...
  7. AVN deploys an innovatory model of development based on the principle that it is better to “ ...teach a man how to fish rather than give him fish”, applied to the entire structure of the housing market and the construction sector. If it is better to teach people how to build a house rather than...

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