Agricultura protegida (AP) se define como la “modificación del entorno natural para lograr un crecimiento óptimo” (Jansen y Malter 1995)

La definición de producción agrícola protegida incluye “mantillos, cubiertas de hileras, estructuras de sombra, invernaderos, etc. Cualquier tipo de método o estructura utilizado para extender la temporada de crecimiento de las plantas.quot;

  1. 1/1/2004 Construction, Requirements and use of Greenhouses in Various Climates The demand for an Agrodok on greenhouse cultures came from communities of farmers and market gardeners with small enterprises. Their need mainly concerns simple solutions to protect their crops using plastic film, in...
  2. Las plagas reducen el rendimiento de las cosechas ya que atacan los cultivos y algunas transmiten enfermedades. El acceso a la formación e información sobre el uso eficaz de los plaguicidas puede ser difícil para muchos pequeños productores. Como resultado los agricultores suelen vender productos...
  3. Abstract:In this paper a review is given about the effects of different parts of the solar radiation and its importance for plant growth in greenhouses. Besides the most important visible part of the light (PAR), ultraviolet (UV), near infrared (NIR) and far infrared (FIR) are discussed. The...
  4. Cuesta Roble* Greenhouse Vegetable Consulting was established in 2004 in the Sierra Mountain foothills of California. We publish several greenhouse vegetable publications on production methods, global statistics, and grower contact listings.
  5. Since the release of the 2018 World Greenhouse Vegetable Statistics publication, several questions have been asked regarding the types of structures used in “Greenhouse” vs. “Protected Agriculture” statistics. The answers are related to the actual definitions used.
  6. Protected Agriculture (PA) is defined as “modification of the natural environment to achieve optimal growth” (Jansen and Malter 1995). It is being viewed by several countries within the Region as a viable technology to attain a level of self-sufficiency in vegetable production and as a potential...
  7. The fundamentals of managing pests in protected structures are very similar in many respects to managing pests in field crops. The grower must still develop a management plan, assembling pertinent information for identifying, monitoring and controlling specific pests before planting. Integration...
  8. Scaling-up: This technology is suitable for both irrigated and rainfed systems, but particularly for subsistence farmers in dry areas with poor soils. Protected agriculture – cultivation of high-value vegetables and other horticultural crops in greenhouses – allows farmers to grow cash crops on...
  9. 20/7/2008 Protected agriculture technology includes more traditional style greenhouses as well as high tunnel houses and is the central component in the establishment of a more unified strategy for continued growth in the country’s agriculture sector. The sustainability of such development will essentially...
  10. Abstract, 1995, World Bank T1his Paper, "Protected Agriculture, A Global Review", gives a broad overview of the three main protective methods of plant coverage and related technologies for cliimate control and production techlniques, includinig drip irrigation in vegetables and floriculture. The...
  11. Abstract, ResearchGate, 2012 Reflecting the severity of global food insecurity, over 60% of the East African population is considered malnourished, with many regions in a state of famine. There is broad agreement on the need to help small-scale farmers move from subsistence to sustainable and...