Hay muchas ventajas con el uso de videos para compartir ideas con una audiencia. Para empezar, combina dimensiones visuales y sonoras, dando vida a situaciones y contextos lejanos de una manera que los textos escritos o las fotos por sí solos no pueden. El video es atractivo para fines de capacitación porque muestra acciones que pueden ser difíciles de explicar solo con palabras. El video también es una excelente herramienta para llegar a audiencias analfabetas.

El video es muy versátil y puede ir más allá del entretenimiento para lograr objetivos de desarrollo, con audiencias y objetivos particulares en mente. Puede mostrarse de diversas formas (p. ej., en reuniones públicas, en la televisión, en un teléfono móvil y desde Internet) con el potencial de llegar a muchas personas. El video también se puede utilizar para estimular debates y discusiones, y para ayudar a resolver conflictos. Puede transmitir opiniones y mensajes de un contexto o realidad a otro, de manera que los problemas desconocidos sean más accesibles para las personas, por ejemplo, para llamar la atención de los responsables políticos sobre las preocupaciones de los agricultores. El vídeo puede ofrecer una forma eficaz de "documentar un proceso y comprimir lo que podría ser una larga historia en un cortometraje". Puede traducir “problemas y procesos complejos en piezas fácilmente digeribles” (Lie y Mandler, 2009). Además, el video es útil como parte de un proceso, por ejemplo, para ayudar a recopilar datos y supervisar los cambios a lo largo del tiempo.

--- CTA/Access Agriculture Learning Through the Eyes of Others

  1. Summary :In this session, Barry Pittendrigh will be discussing SAWBO's model of video training. Presenter : Barry Pittendrigh, SAWBO, Michigan State University Dr. Barry Pittendrigh has worked in the area of international development, specifically in West Africa, over the past decade.He is also...
  2. 20/1/2018 There are many advantages to using video to share ideas with an audience. To start with, it combines both visual and audio dimensions, bringing situations and faraway contexts alive in a way that written texts or photos on their own cannot. Video is attractive for training purposes because it...
  3. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Barry Pittendrigh, SAWBO, Michigan State University Dr. Barry Pittendrigh has worked in the area of international development, specifically in West Africa, over the past decade.He is also co-founder of Scientific...
  4. Abstract,Outlooks on Pest Management, 2018 Rapid dissemination of critical and accurate information to low-resource and poorly literate people in crisis situations has long been a challenge. Historically, print media as well as radio and television have served as major delivery channels. With the...
  5. 1/1/1991 The development of video technology has made it increasing attractive as a medium to support field projects. This book contains guidelines for the use of video communication technology within FAO field projects. 68 pages, illustrated
  6. The presentation will elaborate how to identify farmer motivators, preparations before and after selecting them, what is their expectations, how to work with them, building their capacity and confidence. Presenter :Chrispin Mirambo Is the Agronomist and community development professional with 19...
  7. Abstract, International Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 2019 A challenge for researchers and other developers of new technologies in agriculture is to find ways of communicating their results and recommendations. This challenge is particularly acute in regions in which farmers have...
  8. Abstract, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2019 Of 1,211 farmers and their representatives registered on www.accessagriculture.org, 142 participated in an on-line survey in November 2017, designed to learn farmer’s opinions of Access Agriculture, an NGO which hosts a digital...
  9. Abstract,African Journal of Rural Development, 2017 Video can be effectively used to provide information to small scale farmers. However, its effectiveness to enhance access to and use of information depends on certain organizational, social, economic and technical factors. This cross-sectional...
  10. Abstract, Sustainable Agriculture Research, 2018 This paper assesses the climate smart agricultural practices triggered by learning videos on integrated striga management, soil fertility and cost-benefit evaluation practices. Using household head interviews and focus group discussions, this study...
  11. Abstract, PLOS ONE, 2017 To feed a growing population, agricultural productivity needs to increase dramatically. Agricultural extension information, with its public, non-rival nature, is generally undersupplied, and public provision remains challenging. In this study, simple agricultural...
  12. Abstract,Information Technology for Development, 2017 This article explores an innovative approach to deliver information about new agricultural technology that combines a versatile and potentially lower cost method of developing animated videos with another low-cost method of sharing it on...
  13. Abstract,Information Technology for Development, 2017 This study compared the efficacy of linguistically and dialectically localized animated educational videos (LAV) against traditional learning extension (TLE) presentations for learning gains of knowledge around agricultural- and...
  14. Access Agriculture /Publications Included in this link are some publications that you may find of interest on the subject of using videos in agricultural extension.