Best Practices on Cassava Production, Processing and Marketing for Small Scale Farm Holders
Presentado por: Iluebbey, P. O.; Parkes, E.Y.; Aina O.O. and Kulakow P.A.
Evento: 2016 ECHO West Africa Forum: Ibadan, Nigeria (12/4/2016)
Understanding The Cassava Crop
- Cassava is a perennial shrub
- It grows to heights of between 1.5-2m (though some may grow to 4m)
- It is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings
- In plant breeding, propagation is by botanical seeds
- Grown mainly for its starchy and tuberous roots
- Performs best on a well drained sandy-loam soils
- Dry matter and pro-vitamin A content is the main reason for varietal choice outside pests, diseases and yield.
- Harvesting in research stations is mainly at 12MAP
- World highest producer is Nigeria—About 55mt/year