Al centro de nuestro trabajo son las Notas de Desarrollo de ECHO (EDN), que enviamos a miles de personas en más de 160 países. Publicado cada tres meses en inglés, francés, y español, en EDN compartimos la información más útil y práctica que encontramos sobre cómo cultivar alimentos en circunstancias difíciles.

Dentro de cada edición, encontrará técnicas, prácticas, información, y experiencias destacadas para guiarle en su trabajo en desarrollo de agricultura tropical y subtropical. También en EDN se encuentran “ECHOs de Nuestra Red,” “De Nuestros Centros de Impacto Regional,” “De Nuestro Banco de Semillas,” y más. Ediciones #1-51 fueron compiladas en los 1990 en el libro Amaranth to Zai Holes, que ahora está disponible gratis en línea. También, Opciones para Los Agricultores de Pequeña Escala, el libro más reciente de ECHO, expandió sobre la fundación de Amaranth to Zai Holes cubriendo EDN 52 a 100, con nuevos artículos de contribuidores especiales exclusivamente para el libro.

174 Contenido (Mostrando Ediciones 103 - 96) |

EDN Número 103 - 1/4/2009

Aflatoxin in the Diet Makes the Progression of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Much Worse

How Can a Diet Rich in Phosphorus Lead to Phosphorus Deficiency and Other Deficiencies?

Effect of Neem Leaf Extract on N-Fixing in Beans

Artemisia in the News Again

Baobab Gardens for "Leaf Production

Indigenous Leafy Vegetables

EDN Issue #103 Supplement - 20/4/2009

We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

EDN Issue #102 Supplement - 20/1/2009

We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

EDN Número 102 - 20/1/2009


Malted Barley Flour for Malnourished Infants

Seed Storage

EDN Número 101 - 20/10/2008

Applying Calcium Carbide to Induce Flowering in Pineapple

Inoculation of Leguminous Crops and Trees

Drying Moringa during the Rainy Season

Congratulations to Dr. Martin Price on his Retirement!

Faba bean (Vicia faba)

EDN Número 100 - 20/7/2008

Crop Protection and Seed Saving

Health-Related Topics

Issue Number 100!

SALT (Sloping Agricultural Land Technology) with emphasis on forage and animal production

Mulch, mulch, mulch

Helpful insights on sawing lumber from tropical trees

Impressive reforestation by taking advantage of the “Underground Forest.”

Experimentation as a way to reach beyond our immediate situation

When tomatoes fail to set fruit or form large fruits

Make your own salt block for livestock

“Micro-placement of fertilizer” to dramatically increase yields with less fertilizer

Is alley cropping right for your situation?

The Importance of Life in the Soil

Underutilized Food Plants

Annual Underutilized Crops

Plants Well-Adapted to Specific Difficult Conditions

Above-ground or Rooftop Gardens

EDN Número 99 - 20/4/2008

Rapid Multiplication of Banana and Plantain Plants

Farming God's Way - Feedback

Highlights of Dr. Brewbaker’s Leucaena Tree and Sweet Corn Breeding Programs

Fake Malaria Drugs in SE Asia

Tips for Planting Small Seeds

EDN Número #98 - 1/1/2008

Un enfoque exitoso para el cultivo en el campo en el Sur de África 

Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Almorta de baja toxina


EDN Número 97 - 20/10/2007

“Cafeteria Feeding” of Chickens

Winged Bean Revisited

How Will Using Agricultural Land for Biofuels Affect Smallholder Farmers in Developing Countries?

Deep Pipe Irrigation: an inexpensive and efficient method to irrigate crops and trees

Pot Drip System for Tree Irrigation

New Advances in Rope Washer Pumps

Controlling Weeds in Tree Plantings

EDN Número 96 - 20/7/2007

A Fresh Look at Life below the Surface

Branching and podding characteristics of ‘PKM-2’ Moringa oleifera