Estos son títulos de "Shell Book" en español relacionados con la agricultura y ganadería.

55 Contenido (Mostrando 21 - 30) |

Farming with Disabilities - 10/7/2021

This book shows how people with physical or mental disabilities can make a valuable contribution to the daily and seasonal work on a farm.

Written and illustrated for MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2021 MissionAssist

Growing Mushrooms - 12/2/2021

Growing mushrooms can provide a useful extra income stream or supply additional protein for the family diet.

This uses material from "Footsteps 99", the literary publication of TEAR Fund, with kind permission.
Illustrations by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

Hydroponics - Growing Crops without Soil - 12/2/2021

This book describes and illustrates six systems for growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically.

This uses material from "Footsteps 110", the literary publication of TEAR Fund, with kind permission.
Illustrations by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.

Natural Regeneration - A Bonus for Farmers - 12/2/2021

This book explains how natural regeneration by farmers using simple, low-cost techniques can encourage the re-growth of trees from live stumps and from seeds in the ground.

This uses material from "Footsteps 110", the literary publication of TEAR Fund, with kind permission.
Additional illustrations by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

How to Make and Use a Donkey Plough - 19/1/2021

This book shows how to make a donkey-powered plough and how to ensure the donkey can pull it comfortably and well.

This book uses material from "Practical Action" with kind permission.
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

Coping with Climate Change: Tips for Farmers - 10/11/2020

This book contains useful tips for farmers coping with climate change and other practical problems. It lists other Shell Books that give more detailed information for each topic covered.

This uses material from "Footsteps 99", the literary publication of Tear Fund, with kind permission.
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.


Cómo hacer y usar una careta de apicultor - 26/8/2020

Cómo hacer y usar una careta de apicultor barata y sencilla.

Tomado de Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: "How to Make a Simple Bee Veil" (©Autora Pam Gregory, quien ofrece su manual como regalo a los apicultores de países en vías de desarrollo). Ilustraciones de Deividas Jablonskis.

Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2020 por MissionAssist.

Cómo hacer una colmena - 25/8/2020

Cómo hacer una colmena simple usando materiales locales de bajo coste.

Escrito e ilustrado por MissionAssist.
Todas las citas bíblicas de esta publicación se han tomado de la versión Reina-Valera 1960. Utilizadas con permiso.

Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2020 por MissionAssist.

Starting A Tree Nursery - 22/6/2020

How to create a tree nursery from the preparation of the ground to planting trees and caring for them.

Adapted from "Footsteps 5" - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund, used with kind permission.
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.

How to Make Natural Pesticides - 22/6/2020

This booklet tells you how to use red chilli peppers to help keep pests away from your crops.

Taken from "Footsteps 54" - the literacy publication of Tear Fund, used with kind permission.
Illustrations on pages 4, 5 and cover courtesy of ClipArtEtc.
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.


Shell Books