Los jugos y bebidas de frutas y verduras generalmente se conservan mediante procesamiento térmico, siendo actualmente el medio más rentable que garantiza la seguridad microbiana y la desactivación de enzimas. Sin embargo, los tratamientos térmicos pueden inducir varios cambios químicos y físicos que perjudican las propiedades organolépticas y pueden reducir el contenido o la biodisponibilidad de algunos nutrientes; en la mayoría de los casos, estos efectos dependen en gran medida de la matriz alimentaria. Además, la eficacia de los tratamientos también puede verse afectada por la complejidad del producto y los microorganismos.

--- Tratamientos térmicos para jugos y bebidas de frutas y verduras

  1. Abstract, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2017 Fruit and vegetable juices and beverages are generally preserved by thermal processing, currently being the most cost-effective means ensuring microbial safety and enzyme deactivation. However, thermal treatments may induce...
  2. 19/4/1994 The “tubular juice pasteurizer,” as it is formally called, strikes me as an “appropriate technology” with unusual promise. It is designed for situations where a large quantity of fruit is available for a limited period of time and for which there is no ready market or where marketing is not...
  3. The purpose of this publication is to present technical and business information designed to address issues facing small and medium-size juice processors along with insights into the theory and practice of juice and juice beverage processing and utilization. Both major and minor fruits will be...
  4. Abstract, International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology, 2014 Continuous microwave processing system is one of the pasteurization/sterilization techniques that offer good potential for high quality, reduced process times and energy as compared with conventional techniques. The...
  5. Abstract, International Journal of Microbiology, 2014 Fruit juices are important commodities in the global market providing vast possibilities for new value added products to meet consumer demand for convenience, nutrition, and health. Fruit juices are spoiled primarily due to proliferation of...

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