23/5/2017 As rainfed crops are particularly vulnerable to drought as well as heavy rain, farmers must prepare dryland farming solutions for resilient and sustainable crop production.
22/5/2017 Natural farming is a system that is integrated, holistic, sustainable, small-scale and organic. This presentation encourages Nepal's producers to realize the potential in pursing natural farming practices over subsistence farming.
24/5/2017 This presentation discusses the importance and benefits of seed saving the advantages of good seeds how to identify and collect good seed principles of harvesting seed seed propagation seed cleaning ... and many other things!
With support from USAID’s Horticulture Collaborative Research Support Program (Hort CRSP), Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization’s Asia Impact Center (ECHO Asia), Maejo University, Thailand, and the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) initiated efforts in 2010 to begin strengthening...
Dobasare not water harvesting structures or reservoirs, and our ancestors have never thought of them in that way. Instead, they are outcomes of the clay material preparation process, within homesteads, used in mud house building on a family’s land. Millions of Dobas - a water harvesting structure...
MekongInfo is a platform for sharing of information and experiences in integrated water resources management in the Mekong River Basin. MekongInfo is hosted by theMekong River Commission, an intergovernmental body created in 1995 by an agreement between the governments of Cambodia, Lao PDR,...