1. 12/1/1985 This manual shows how the use of simple tools and techniques are applicable in small-scale operations in developing countries to provide fulewood and charcoal. 119 pages, illustrations
  2. 26/4/2019 El árbol de la fiebre (Acacia xanthophloea) es un árbol de rápido crecimiento, de tamaño mediano (alcanzando de 15 a 25 m de altura) con un tronco liso, de color amarillento verdoso. En el tronco crecen espinas de hasta 7 cm de largo y se vuelven más densas en las ramas extendidas. Este árbol...
  3. La siguiente animación explica el proceso de desarrollar el sistema de filtración de carbón vegetal utilizando arena. Es un proceso simple que ayuda a eliminar algunos de los contaminantes, no todos, que hay en el agua. Si estos no son eliminados, pueden causar problemas de salud.
  4. The alternative to digging a pit is to stack the wood above the ground and cover the stack with earth. This method is also very old and is widely used in many countries. One finds many variations of the basic method. Studies have been made in some countries to optimise the design. The Swedish...
  5. Using earth as a shield against oxygen and to insulate the carbonising wood against excessive loss of heat is the oldest system of carbonization and surely goes back to the dawn of history. Even today it is perhaps used to make more charcoal than any other method. It is, therefore, worthy of...
  6. The carbonization stage may be decisive in charcoal production even though it is not the most expensive one. Unless it is carried out as efficiently as possible, it puts the whole operation of charcoal production at risk since low yields in carbonisation reflect back through the whole chain of...
  7. Properly constructed and operated brick kilns are without doubt one of the most effective methods of charcoal production. They have proved themselves over decades of use to be low in capital cost, moderate in labour requirements and capable of giving surprisingly good yields of quality charcoal...
  8. The Tropical Products Institute (TPI), a scientific unit of the Overseas Development Administration, has gained considerable experience in operating transportable metal kilns of various designs both in the U.K. and in many developing countries. The Institute has evolved a kiln design which is...
  9. Este manual sobre la fabricación del carbón vegetal por métodos simples, es otro paso de FAO para ayudar a superar la insuficiencia de combustibles en el mundo en vía de desarrollo. Se estima que el sesenta por ciento de toda la madera extraída en el mundo, se quema como combustible, ya sea...
  10. The earliest industrial, use of charcoal, more than four thousand years ago, was as a reductant for iron smelting to change iron oxide into metallic iron. But charcoal was already well known as a high grade smokeless fuel for cooking and domestic heating. With the emergence of industrial society...