31/1/2018 La Unidad de Respuesta Técnica de ECHO recibió recientemente de áreas del Caribe unas cuantas solicitudes de información sobre qué podría estar causando la muerte de los cítricos.Contando ya con varias solicitudes de información sobre el declive generalizado de los cítricos decidimos conocer más...
This manual provides low-cost technology suitable for small-scale Asian farms. The system of orchard management it recommends has proved highly successful on small farms in Vietnam, Taiwan and other Asian countries with warm, humid climates, where citrus orchards are under heavy pressure from...
19/6/1983 Jerry Larson with Double Harvest in Haiti asked us what varieties of citrus might come true from seed. I checked with Dr. Carl Campbell at the University of Florida Extension research center. Carl has given me many in-depth, insightful answers to tropical fruit questions sent by several of our...
1/1/1982 Florida produces a wide selection of citrus fruits grown for processing and for fresh consumption. Suitable selections from the range of varieties are described in this booklet and will provide the commerical grower and the home owner with fruit for sale or personal use throughout most of the...