1. Access Agriculture Training Video For years coffee farmers in Uganda have been at a disadvantage, but over the past 10 to 15 years some incredible changes have been seen - thanks to farmers organising themselves into groups. By working together they have increased the quality of their coffee crop...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video El análisis económico ayuda a los agricultores a saber cuánto dinero ganarán o perderán al cambiar de una tecnología a otra, o de una práctica a otra. Eso les ayuda a tomar una decisión para el siguiente año acerca de cuál práctica quieren probar en sus parcelas....
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video La producción de alimentos en terrenos de mujeres podría aumentar fácilmente en un 30% si prestáramos atención al género cuando se trata de estas cuatro áreas: la demanda para la capacitación y la asistencia técnica; métodos y contenido de la extensión; acceso a...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video During weekly visits, and supported by their extension agent, a farmer field school in Tanzania learns how to test different sorghum varieties for striga resistance and evaluate how each one performs under different practices. Available languages Amharic Arabic...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Manejar los cafetos bien puede hacer toda la diferencia entre un ingreso promedio y uno bueno. La recepa o remoción periódica de los cafetos es parte de su plan de manejo, y la poda una vez al año aumentará el rendimiento y el ingreso. Idiomas disponibles Ateso...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los chapulines (langostas) y caracoles pueden ser un problema serio para cualquier almácigo de hortalizas, ya que mastican los tallos tiernos de los plantines. Los gusanos también pueden causar daño, pero más en el tomate y en el repollo que en el chile o ají....
  7. Across the Horn Africa, pastoralist areas have been one of the most persistent and difficult challenges for governments, and development and humanitarian agencies. Although often viewed as physically remote, universally poor, and subject to droughts and conflicts, in reality these areas can also...
  8. Across the Horn Africa, pastoralist areas have been one of the most persistent and difficult challenges for governments, and development and humanitarian agencies. Although often viewed as physically remote, universally poor, and subject to droughts and conflicts, in reality these areas can also...
  9. The fall armyworm is a heavy feeder that quickly destroys the maize crop. It can destroy an entire crop if it is not controlled on time. It can spread fast, and can fly over 30 kilometres in one night assisted by the wind. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) derives the name from its’...
  10. Outreach is one of the information dissemination strategies of Biovision Farmer Communication Programme. The goal of our outreach is to provide a one–stop information and knowledge hub for farmers in their localities. FCP Outreach has 22 field staff based in 13 resource centres in several regions...