1. Nutrient contents in foods can vary significantly because: of environmental, genetic and processing influences such as feed, soil, climate, genetic resources (varieties/cultivars, breeds), storage conditions, processing, fortification and market share; each country has its own consumption pattern...
  2. 20/1/2012 Abstract: This edition of the West African Food Composition Table is a revised version of the Food composition table `Composition of Selected foods from West Africa`, which was published in September 2010 (http://www.fao.org/3/a-i1755e.pdf). It extends and updates the number of foods and values...
  3. The DIRECTORY was first compiled in September 1988. It is updated regularly, as we become aware of new publications. Most of the tables are not held by the INFOODS Secretariat, and many are out of print. However, numbers of copies are held in libraries around the world and can often be obtained...
  4. El DIRECTORIO se elaboró en septiembre de 1988 y es actualizado periódicamente a medida que conocemos la existencia de nuevas publicaciones. La mayoría de las tablas no obran en posesión de la Secretaría de INFOODS y muchos de ellos están descatalogados. No obstante, existen ejemplares en...
  5. FAO/INFOODS E-LEARNING COURSE ON FOOD COMPOSITION DATA The FAO/INFOODS e-Learning Course on Food Composition Data aims to close the knowledge gap on food composition of nutritionists and all those generating, compiling or using food composition data. The course is designed to be primarily used in...
  6. Indian cuisine varies widely across the country according to the region, culture and tradition, characterized by the use of different spices, vegetables, grains, fruits and a variety of animal source foods. Analyzing all the foods that are consumed in the country is not be feasible due to the...
  7. ASEANFOODS is the Association of Southeast Asian Networks of Food Data systems. It was established in 1986 by the ASEAN Subcommittee on Protein: Food habit Research and Development, with 6 member countries including Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand....
  8. This comprehensive document provides detailed information on 47 nutrients in over 400 commonly consumed Tanzanian foods and local dishes. Created by a collaborative effort of theMuhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, theTanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, and the Harvard School of...
  9. Nutritional composition studies that assess similarities and differences of levels of important nutrients and anti-nutrients are an essential part of the safety assessment of new crop varieties that are used as food and feed. Managed by theILSI Research Foundation, the ILSI Crop Composition...
  10. This directory is sponsored by the Steering Committee of the National Nutrient Databank Conference (NNDC) and has been designed by the volunteer members of the Databank Directory Committee.