This book discusses advances in sheep and goat medicine. It covers such topics as clinical nutrition, breeding, ventilation, diseases, and routine sheep and goat procedures.
1/1/2009 Small ruminants, such as sheep and goats, fit well into smallholder farming systems: cheap to buy and maintain, easy to work with and to market, they are widely distributed throughout the world, but policy-makers and administrators tend to overlook their contributions to the economy and rural and...
Thie book has sections on the different breeds giving origins and characteristics and bringing clarity to their complex relationships. Nutrition, reproduction, health and breed improvement are covered. The practical approach to husbandry gives a comprehensive and reliable knowledge of how to rear...
Recurso clave10/11/1992 This book covers the theory and principles of animal nutrition, with a chapter on each of the main nutrient groups, and applies it to economic production of cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants in hot climates. The contents include topics on food intake, grazing and browsing, feeding fibrous...
AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video aprenderemos qué causa la fiebre, cómo reconocer un animal con fiebre y como manejar un caso simple de fiebre en su hato con unos consejos sencillos. Idiomas disponibles Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español Francés Hindi Inglés Luganda...
AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video, aprenderemos de los agricultores del sur de la India cómo las lombrices parasíticas se propagan a las cabras y ovejas. También veremos cómo prevenir y curar a los animales con algunos métodos simples. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Birmano...
Access Agriculture Training Video Usually, farmers fatten male sheep and goats because they grow faster. To fatten the animals, it is important to find the right animals. To fatten sheep and goats, also give them protein rich feed for about 3 to 6 months. Along with good food, you must also make...
27/3/1979 This publication reports on the first annual conference of the Florida Dairy Goat Association. It discusses the importance of goats and their products, nutrition, and diseases. 74 pages, tables