1/1/1988 This book is intended to present a comprhensive picture of major pests and their managements, and is not intended as an exhaustive study of every possible pests found in many regions of this country.
Plants and animals produce many agents which can control life processes in insects or in other plants. Among them are attractants in insects, repellants in arthropods, insecticides in pyrethrum, in turnips, and in cruciferous crops, insect toxicants in crystalliferous bacteria, biologically...
1/1/2013 Nursery Management: Tree Propagation and Marketing A Training Manual for Smallholder Farmers and Nursery Operatorsaims to facilitate the learning process by incorporating practical activites that provide better and clearer understanding of the principles involved in nursery establishment and...
1/1/1995 The objectives of the booklet were to review current knowledge on how mixed plant and tree communities affect insect pests and the pest-parasite complex, to identify insect pests occuring in the on-going experiments in ICRAF's Agroforestry Research Networks for Africa and to suggest future lines...
1/1/2000 At long last, you can grow your tomatoes and eat them too with the help of this primer on gardening with fewer chemicals. Gardeners and homeowners alike need simple and safe ways to stop unwanted pests and plant diseases while allowing nature to flourish. A companion to the highly successful DEAD...
Recurso clave1/5/1984 Suggests techniques for preventing diseases and pest damage, describes the problems that can develop with each kind of fruit and vegetable, and describes specific remedies. (2 Copies)
1/1/1968 This booklet describes three species of rat, their habits, and how best to control them in the home, warehouse, and among cultivated crops. SPC Handbook no. 1 40 pages, illustrated, photos
This publication provides practical and comprehensive information to integrated pest managementworkers in rice fields throughout tropical Asia. It briefly discusses rice plant structure and growth stages and stresses their relation to pest management.