1. The Forgotten Foods Network is a global initiative that collects and shares information on foods, recipes and traditions that are in danger of being lost. By creating this network, we will discover foods that can transform the way we eat and could nourish us in the future. We want you to share...
  2. The Forgotten Foods Network is a global initiative that collects and shares information on foods, recipes and traditions that are in danger of being lost. By creating this network, we will discover foods that can transform the way we eat and could nourish us in the future. We want you to share...
  3. 20/1/2018 Recuperando el conocimiento culinario tradicional de las mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe para el manejo y enriquecimiento de la biodiversidad alimentaria Esta publicación busca reconocer y valorar el saber de las mujeres en el ámbito culinario y el importante significado que tiene éste para...
  4. 20/11/2019 La chaya es muy nutritiva, una porción de 100 gramos (como 50 a 60 hojas frescas) tiene: Proteína: Tiene la misma cantidad de proteína que unhuevo. La proteína es importante para el desarrollo de los músculos. Hierro: Tiene dos veces más hierro que una porción deespinaca. El hierro enriquece la...
  5. For a delicious end to 2018, Food Tank is highlighting 18 cookbooks that embrace a diverse global food industry. The list features chefs of color and authors that identify as LGBTQ+ working to feed a food revolution that breaks the barriers of race, gender, and sexuality. These books examine...