1. 20/7/2013 El Sistema de Intensificación de Cultivos (SCI por sus siglas en inglés; veaEDN 70, yhttp://sri.ciifad.cornell.edu/) ha cambiadola forma en que millones de agricultoressiembran arroz. Las prácticas de manejoutilizadas con el SRI ahora también se estánprobando con muchos otros cultivos. Aquí...
  2. 20/1/2001 SRI involves the use of certain management practices which together provide better growing conditions for rice plants, particularly in the root zone, than those for plants grown under traditional practices. We recently learned about a method of raising rice that produces substantially higher...
  3. 20/4/2002 A researcher in the Sri Lankan national agricultural research system began screening a number of green manure crops for biomass production and N-content. Sesbania rostrata stood out among the species that were screened (others included S. sesban, S. aculeata, Crotalaria juncea and C. caricia).
  4. 20/4/2001 Some feedback from an article about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
  5. 1/10/2002 The July/September 2001 issue of Appropriate Technology (Volume 28, No. 3) included several articles about SRI (System of Rice Intensification; see EDN 70).
  6. 20/10/2001 In late January of this year [2001], two private companies announced that they have mapped the entire genome (i.e. all of the genes) of the rice variety ‘NIPPON barre.’
  7. 20/1/2004 Un equipo internacional de científicos que trabajan con miles de pequeños productores en China demostró un método simple para incrementar el rendimiento de dos variedades de arroz (Oryza sativa) y reducir la incidencia de una enfermedad llamada tizón del arroz.
  8. 20/10/2006 Una publicación del Centro ACIAR (Centro Australiano para Investigación Agrícola Internacional) describió un método para el control de roedores en los cultivos de arroz de riego en tierras bajas sin el uso de productos químicos.
  9. 3/10/2017 In this workshop, I will describe and diagram the common sloping land corn and rice farming system. I will then identify leverage points within the system and how development workers can work with farmers to make these systems more sustainable.
  10. Abstract - International Journal of Zoology, 2016 Integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly technology. IPM is a multifaceted approach to pest management that seeks to minimize negative impacts on the environment. This technique is an important step towards providing...