1. 19/6/1992 Courses for water, engineering and development offered through Loughborough University in the UK.
  2. 19/6/1992 Feedback from the network regarding cashew production.
  3. 19/10/1995 “Probably more people are directly involved in chicken production throughout the world than in any other single agricultural enterprise.” Maintaining and improving the productivity of backyard chicken flocks is important for the wellbeing of rural families. Backyard producers value chickens for...
  4. 19/3/1999 En tres programas de Honduras se han buscado maneras en que los agricultores deladeras pobres puedan captar el agua de lluvia en sus propios campos y retenerla allí dos o tres meses. El agua podría posteriormente utilizarse para el riego suplementario durante las sequías o para extender la...
  5. 19/11/1997 One of the immediate problems directly affecting agricultural output and quality of life in Niger is the severe deforestation which has occurred, particularly since the 1960’s. Simply planting more trees does not solve the problems. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration is a practice that protects...
  6. 19/10/1999 Stefan Cherry, quien acaba de recibir su grado de maestría en la Universidad de Cornell, comparte conocimientos extras desde una comunidad de Camerún donde forma parte integral del sistema de agricultura.]
  7. 20/9/2000 When you began work in a new community, how did you quickly get an overall understanding of the nature and workings of that community to form the base for your future work? Our first task in a new location is to learn about the lives, needs, and priorities of the people there. Beginning as a...
  8. 20/4/2003 Politically and economically, the ten plus years our family has been in Haiti have been rather tumultuous. There was a coup in October of 1991 against President Jean Bertrand Aristide, then four years of crushing embargo when gasoline cost $20 a gallon and neither tools nor parts could be...
  9. 20/1/2001 SRI involves the use of certain management practices which together provide better growing conditions for rice plants, particularly in the root zone, than those for plants grown under traditional practices. We recently learned about a method of raising rice that produces substantially higher...
  10. 20/1/2004 El área de gestión empresarial puede parecer extraña para muchos trabajadores de desarrollo agrícola, pero la buena gestión empresarial puede ser un ministerio efectivo. La mayoría de la gente pasa la mayor parte de sus horas de trabajo bajo la gestión empresarial de alguien. No existe...