1. Shea is an important product for women in the shea belt, which ranges from Senegal in West Africa to Ethiopia in East Africa. However, if the raw shea nuts are not properly processed then the resultant stored nuts and derived products are of poorer quality. The following animation demonstrates...
  2. This animation explains the best practices for bag storage of grain using a bag stacking technique.
  3. This video explains how to dry grains after harvest by building a low-cost High Velocity Solar Grain Dryer. Drying grain is important because it reduces the chance for mold growth in the grain, which will increase its storage life as well as ensuring that it will sell at a higher price. When you...
  4. El Ébola es una enfermedad con un alto riesgo de mortalidad, causada por el virus del Ébola. Aunque la enfermedad es peligrosa y puede matar rápidamente, podemos evitar su propagación. El tratamiento precoz de la enfermedad aumenta las posibilidades de supervivencia. Este vídeo contiene...
  5. La Malaria es una enfermedad causada por un parásito que se transmite a la gente a través de la picadura del mosquito hembra Anopheles. Los síntomas de la Malaria son: fiebre alta, escalofríos, dolor abdominal, dolor de cabeza, cansancio y fatiga. Si experimenta estos síntomas es muy importante...
  6. La fiebre amarilla es una enfermedad causada por un virus que se transmite a las personas a través de la picadura de la hembra del mosquito Aedes aegypti y otras especies de mosquitos. Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son los siguientes: escalofríos, fiebre, dolores musculares, dolor de cabeza,...
  7. El virus del Zika es una enfermedad causada por un flavivirus particular. Se propaga entre las personas principalmente a través de la picadura de un mosquito de la especie Aedes aegypti; este mosquito también transmite el dengue, la fiebre chikungunya, y la fiebre amarilla. Hay reportes de la...
  8. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  9. The following video describes how to start a savings group. It includes how to form a group, how to organize the group and then how to organizing a savings box.
  10. In this animation we will explain what needs to be done in a meeting where a loan has been requested. We discuss how to determine both the purpose and process of taking a loan. This is the fifth out of six microfinance animations in this animation series. Scientific Animations Without Borders...