1. While erosion by water and wind is the most common form of soil degradation, soil may become less productive even without being physically removed from the land. How and why soils become physically and chemically degrade is the focus of this pack. It will explore how and why soils become...
  2. Farmers in upland area throughout the world face similar problems. They generally cultivate feilds on moderately to severe sloping land with thin, easily eroded soils in areas where rainy season is short but intense.
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas de piedra forman terrazas de manera natural a medida que captan sedimentos. También se construyen para rehabilitar tierras erosionadas. Los agricultores en Kenia muestran cómo construyen líneas de piedra. Idiomas disponibles Español Francés Inglés...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video In Kenya, small-scale farmers stabilise river banks and reduce rainwater runoff from nearby plots by planting trees and grasses. Available languages Arabic Bemba Chitonga / Tonga English French
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video En las sabanas semi-áridas donde la lluvia es limitada y sumamente impredecible, el retener más agua en el suelo puede marcar la diferencia entre una cosecha buena y mala. Usted puede disminuir la velocidad del agua de escorrentía al establecer bordes a nivel. Los...
  6. Recurso clave
    28/9/2016 Mucho del contenido a continuación se toma de publicaciones previas de ECHO que están disponibles enwww.ECHOcommunity.org. Las referencias se abrevian como AN (Notas de Asia), EAN (Notas del Este de África), EDN (Notas de Desarrollo de ECHO), y TN (Notas Técnicas). Donde es posible, enlaces de...
  7. 1/1/2008 A Technical Reference Manual 98 pages, illustrated, photos
  8. 1/1/1982 This publication resulted from a symposium held at the American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America in August 1979. Although the manuscripts focus on soil erosion and conservation in the tropics, works also can apply to many parts of the world.
  9. 1/1/1983 This book, sponsored by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation, has as its goal to convince leaders/governments of all countries, and developing countries in particular, of the urgent need to reduce soil erosion and to persuade then to adopt and support practical programs of soil...
  10. 1/3/1990 This handbook has been prepared to support small scale fieldworkers and farmers, mostly in the tropics and semitropics, to develop vegetative systems of soil and moisture conservation.