1. 20/12/2005 Tools for influencing policy Promoting organic agriculture in Uganda Small-scale agriculture and food security policies Arvari Sansad - the famers' parliament RAAA in Peru Improved fallows and local institutions Policy development in the organic movement Changing animal health policies Working...
  2. 20/12/2008 Farmers and sorghum in Nicaragua's northern region Using radio to share farmers' adaptation strategies Climate change Climate field schools in Indonesia Livestock and climate change Adaptive agriculture in flood affected areas Cultivating resilience - lessons from the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka...
  3. 1/1/1991 The ILEIA workshop made an important contribution to the emergence of operational approaches to sustainable agricultural technology development. A great number of cases and descriptions of field experiences has been compiled and assessed, existing networks on participatory technology development...
  4. 1/1/1989 This ILE|A workshop may be seen as a follow up of the workshop organized by the Institute for Development Studies, lDS, in Sussex, in June 1987: Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary methods. During the IDS workshop it was recommended that a number of regional meetings and workshops in...
  5. 30/3/2022 Australian agronomists Tony and Liz Rinaudo arrived at the edge of the Sahara in 1981 to plant trees. Few trees survived in the hostile terrain, and those that did were cut down. While contemplating the futility of their endeavours, Tony discovered an embarrassingly simple method of restoring...
  6. 19/12/1998 Agricultural trade The organic market Fair trade and trade development Trade opportunities Strategies to commercialise agroforestry products Sustainable chocolate Organic agriculture The weakest go to the wall Sustainable agriculture needs sustainable markets Green market Marketing organic...
  7. 1/1/2002 Modalidades de los Servicios que prestan IDEAS a traves del Sub programa de Agricultura Sostenible. Desarrollo de un Plan Completo de Capacitacion. Se trata del desarrollo de modulos teoricos - practicos que se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones de la Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Sostenible,...
  8. 1/1/2006 Esta publicacion pretende servir como guis para apoyar a los grupos de agricultores a traves del dificil proceso de inicar una empresa comoperativa y para ayudarlos en su camino y en la toma de sus proias decisiones con repecto al desarrollo de una explotacion exitosa. Somos conscientes de que...
  9. 1/1/2011 *Disponible solo en español. El proposito de este manual es proporionar a promotores y propmotoras una herraminenta que les permita conocer y difundir las buenas practicas agroecologicas indigenas, cuya aplicacion les permitira hacer una agricultura sostenible y ecologicamente segura, obtener...
  10. 1/1/2016 The current conception of organic farming is the result of nearly a century of intellectual thought and dialogue, field observations and experiences, systematic experimentation, and codification of rules. Debates on the future viability of organic farming often focus on its capacity to produce...