1. Access Agriculture Training Video Azolla fixes nitrogen from the air and stores this in its leaves. Azolla is richer in protein, vitamins and minerals than grains and most green fodder. Because of this and because azolla grows fast and easily in a small area, it makes an ideal addition to feed. ...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video En la sabana costera de África Occidental, los agricultores explican cómo un cultivo de cobertura de mucuna les ayuda a revivir su suelo altamente degradado, y suprime las malezas nocivas estriga e Imperata. Muestran cómo producirlo para beneficiar a su maíz y...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Si hace una mezcla básica que se puede dar a todos los animales, usted ahorra tiempo y dinero. Dos terceras partes de la mezcla son de granos, como el arroz, maíz, sorgo y mijo. Una tercera parte de la mezcla debe ser rica en proteínas y grasa. Muela la mezcla...
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los zaís, como se conocen en Burkina Faso, o tassa en Níger, son fosas anchas y profundas para sembrar. Se comportan como microcuencas y pueden usarse para rehabilitar el suelo si se usa con estiércol. Han sido muy exitosos en África Occidental durante los últimos...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video, aprenderemos de una solución que ayuda al cultivo a crecer, mientras protege al cultivo de las plagas y enfermedades. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Baoulé Bariba Birmano Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Dioula Español Fon Francés Inglés...
  6. The Biochar for Sustainable Soils (B4SS) is a medium-sized project funded by theGlobal Environment Facility(GEF) under the Land Degradation Focal Area in the GEF-5 Strategies. The United Nations Development Programme (UNEP) is the implementing agency, whereasStarfish Initiativesis the executing...
  7. 1/1/2013 As governments and institutions work to ameliorate the effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global climate, there is an increasing need to understand how land-use and land-cover change is coupled to the carbon cycle, and how land management can be used to mitigate their effects. This book...
  8. Corresponding to selected steps of the SLM-IM procedure, the toolkit Module contains a selection of practical and cost-effective methods, criteria, models, frameworks and examples. These were developed - and partly published - by various authors and institutations.
  9. 1/1/1999 These SLM-IM Guidelines have been developed in inter-institutional collaboration with many development agencies. The contents have been compiled from published and non-published documents and from discussions with colleagues from numberous organisations experienced in SLM. The SLM-IM GUidelines...