A Snapshot from Bangladesh: Building Farmer-Extension Relationships 2017-04-25

With 160 million people living in an area the size of the US state of Georgia, cropland is not an overly abundant resource in the country of Bangladesh.  In order to meet the ever growing needs of its population, it is not uncommon for farmers in this delta nation to produce 3 consecutive seasons of rice on the same piece of land in a given calendar year.  This relatively recent intensification of the land doesn’t come without its costs, and relies heavily on expensive external inputs, a dwindling of irrigation water resources, and an uninterrupted invitation extended to crop pests and diseases.

Asia   Green Manure Cover...   Agriculture Extension  

EDN Issue 135 - Now Available 2017-04-18

In This Issue: 

Biofortified crops: What are they, how do they work and why should we grow them?

The cheers and challenges of Conservation Agriculture programs

Echoes from our Network: Woman and Agriculture feedback from Joel Matthews

From ECHO's Seed Bank: Gac - A colorful and health-promoting fruit

eBook Releases: Options for Restoring Unproductive Soils and Options Where Water is Scarce

Download EDN 135

Gac: A colorful and health-promoting fruit

From ECHO's Seed Bank

EXCERPT: Perennial leafy greens, such as moringa and chaya, have been featured quite extensively in EDN. Here we focus on the bright orange-to-red fruit (Figure 7) of a tropical vining plant called gac (Momordica cochinchinensis). Belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, other names for gac are cochin gourd, spiny bitter cucumber, and sweet gourd. Gac fruit has a mild flavor. Like moringa, it can be consumed in a variety of ways; it can be eaten fresh, cooked, or as a powder. Incorporated into traditional foods, gac adds both color and nutrition.

Gac fruits are best known for their high concentration of carotenoids, natural chemicals that protect against cell damage and are the source of yellow, orange, or red coloring in fruits and vegetables. By weight, beta-carotene is more concentrated in gac fruit than carrots. Similarly, gac fruit has a higher concentration of lycopene than tomato. Much more detail about these and other health-enhancing properties of gac are available in the literature (Chuyen et al. 2015, Minh 2014). 

Gac is currently available from the ECHO Global Seedbank

Check out the ECHO Plant Information Sheet on Gac

[ Read the full article

Experimento con Plantas Medicinales en Matagalpa Nicaragua 2017-04-11

A través de muchos errores y pruebas, Sarah Hornsby y su esposo Jim, aprendieron mucho sobre el uso práctico de las plantas medicinales a partir de su experiencia en Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

El proyecto de reforestación comenzó con la compra de terrenos en la Reserva Forestal del Arenal. A partir de ahí, el proceso de aprendizaje comenzó a traer a la vida el concepto de "se necesita un pueblo para ..." Los vecinos fueron pagados para ayudar a recoger las plántulas de plantas nativas del bosque circundante para su uso en la reforestación. Desafortunadamente, las cinco mil plántulas cuidadosamente plantadas y etiquetadas fueron plantadas en la cima de una colina donde fuertes vientos hicieron saber que el sitio de siembra era un error. El traslado de las plántulas a un lugar más protegido invitó a otros percances y condujo a la creación de un sitio web informativo para compartir experiencias y lecciones aprendidas.

Latin America and ...   Medicinal Plants  

The Power of Knowledge and Networking 2017-03-29

While at the gathering of 170 global participants working in agricultural and extension services, Abram met Saikou, who is from the Gambia and works as a Peace Corp volunteer coordinator and advisor for the Gambia. Saikou attended an ECHO Florida TAD 1 training back in 2014 to gain more knowledge about Tropical Agriculture Development. What he gained from the training was a wealth of options that he could help Peace Corps volunteers implement in the Gambia to improve smallholder farming households’ lives and food security. Upon returning to the Gambia, he began rolling out backyard chicken projects that employ local breeds and low-input feeds for sustainability. He has seen much success with the projects and communities are sharing the approach with each other and adoption is increasing. He credits ECHO, and in particular, the TAD 1 class, as being the inspiration, catalyst, and knowledge piece that makes the project successful.


ECHO Asia Research: Local treatments and vacuum sealing as novel control strategies for stored seed pests in the tropics 2017-03-22

Seed conservation under tropical climates is a great challenge when usual storage technology is lacking. Seed pests and the loss of seed viability are among the main risks faced by farmers and seed banks. Scientists Lawrence et. al. recently found that vacuum sealing significantly reduces stored insect pest pressure while maintaining seed viability. Several local treatments decrease also pest pressure, thus constituting sustainable alternatives to storage under low temperature and low moisture.

Asia   Bruchids   Vacuum Sealing   Lablab   Seed Treatment   Seed Storage   Germplasm  

Amaranth as fish feed? - New research 2017-03-13

Scientists warn that global fish stocks are on the verge of collapse due to the effects of climate change and overfishing, fueling concerns of increased malnutrition.  This not only translates into less fish for human consumption but, ironically, impacts aquaculture as commercial fish feed contains a large amount of fishmeal.

In an effort to identify a protein-rich replacement for fishmeal, researchers from Karatina University and the University of Eldoret in Kenya and the University of Arizona explored the use of amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus) leaves, which contain 17.5–30.3 percent dry matter as protein, of which 5 percent is lysine.  Specifically, they replaced fishmeal with amaranth leaf protein concentrate (ALPC) for the production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Through their research, it was determined that up to 80 percent of fishmeal could be replaced with ALPC without compromising growth performance and nutrient utilization.

Amaranth   Fish   Fish Farming  

Chaya use in West Africa 2017-02-28

K[] is a rural municipality located in the west of Burkina Faso. Ten years ago, an American missionary introduced Chaya which became a well-known and well-consumed leafy vegetable for the peasants of K[]. The peasants have made Chaya leaves a component of their diet which they consume in several different forms including leaf sauce, the leaves in peanut sauce, and they have incorporated it into other local dishes.

West Africa   Chaya  

Resources on Parthenium 2017-02-15

Except: Parthenium hysterophorus, also known as carrot top, white top weed, and fever few is a fairly new invasive weed but has quickly become one of the worst weeds to tropical areas(CABI 2015). In Ethiopia it is known as Farmasissa which means “sign your land away” (IAPPS 2016). Originally from Central America, Parthenium has been seen to cause major problems in India and Southeast Asia, Australia, and East Africa. In 2015, Parthenium is said to have invaded roughly 34 countries globally (Strathie 2015). A fast growing highly reproductive invasive species, Parthenium has become a hazard to farmland, rangeland, as well as animal and human health. (From Parthenium hysterophorus by Emalee Allen)

Recent interest from ECHOcommunity network members has prompted the creation of new resources raising awareness of Parthenium.

East Africa   Parthenium  

In the network now: West African trainers meet for Foundations for Farming Training 2017-01-24

Knowing a subject is not enough to train on it, training adults requires specific competencies. This week in Burkina Faso, key trainers from across West Africa are meeting to improve their knowledge about the Foundations for Farming (FFF) method, and to improve their skills in sharing knowledge with others.

West Africa   FFF   Foundations For Ag...   Foundations For Fa...   Farmer Managed Nat...   Training  

ECHOcommunity Member Spotlight: Sipasi Olalekan Ayodele 2017-01-04

Sipasi Olalekan Ayodele is the most recent recipient of the Africa Youth Award for Agriculture. The CEO of L’Afrika Integrated Farms and ProtectOzone in Nigeria, he was nominated for the award based on his implementation of the Foundations for Farming methods, and for innovations at his poultry farm. Using locally available herbal alternatives he is demonstrating how to avoid the synthetic micronutrients in commercial poultry feed. Contamination in these feed products are linked to nearly a half-million lost birds each year. L’Afrika Integrated Farms, and those they have trained, are seeing decreased livestock mortality and improvements in the health and wellbeing of their consumers.

West Africa   Foundations For Fa...