Sustaining pollinators: lessons learned from a first season of beekeeping 2015-07-14

In northern Thailand, widespread mono-cropping has led to environmental changes which have affected the natural habitat of bees, resulting in diminishing numbers and reduced honey production.

As ECHO Asia already has a variety of different flower species, trialing honey production seemed like a logical next step. In order to learn more about the challenges of keeping bees, three beehives were purchased from a local farmer in northern Thailand who provides hives to the area.


Asia   Apiculture  

Demonstrating appropriate technologies in aquaponics 2015-06-16

"Aquaponics is a food production system that combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics in a symbiotic environment." (Wikipedia) By combining these two systems farmers are able to increase their yield, decrease costs and deal sustainably with some of the challenges of hydroculture. In aquaculture the buildup of fish excretion causes toxicity over time, however, nitrates and other products of excrement can be used to feed hydropic growing systems, which in turn clean the water.

The ECHO Global Farm in Florida has a well-established aquaponics demonstration built using the "Use what you have to build what you need" ethos of Appropriate Technology. ECHO staff and interns have been experimenting with the long-term viability of materials that can replace the traditionally used polystyrene as a floating plant support. Polystyrene is not always affordable or readily available, and comes with its own set of concerns about long-term exposure. Rafts have been tried using bamboo, used PVC and drip tape, and waste plastic water bottles to good result.

Aquaponics   Hydroponics   Appropriate Techno...  

East African Farmers Look For Useful Solutions To Common Challenges 2015-06-09

In January, twenty four farmers gathered in Mkonoo villiage near Arusha Tanzania. They came together in the home of a widow by the name of Kalainey Lobarani to learn more about water harvesting and kitchen gardening techniques. Like so many small-scale farmers around the world their main interest is to improve the nutrition of their families through year round gardens, and to improve their overall food security.

Two exciting methods were presented by representatives from RUCONET (an ECHO/IDIN Picogrant recipient) and ECHO. First, they participated in a theoretical training on water harvesting which concluded with participants digging a hafir, a 10,000 litre plastic lined cistern which costs only about US$90 to build. After establishing the hafir, the group was keen to learn about a novel way to establish kitchen gardens by the keyhole method.

Keyhole gardens are raised round garden beds heavy with compost manure which only needs to be renewed after 3 years of use. These uniquely shaped gardens use waste kitchen water and can produce herbs, greens and vegetables throughout the year by a continuous planting/harvesting method. Water consumption is reduced through mulching, and a compost cylinder in the center filters waste water prior to absorption into the garden. The farmers in attendence committed themselves to helping each other to establish these kinds of gardens so that each should have one near their kitchens.

East Africa   Yard Gardens   Water Conservation  

Community Member Spotlight - Fah Mui: Biological S.R.I. Rice Farmer 2015-06-02

Fah Mui is a local farmer and member of the ECHO Asia network. Below she shared her story and experience with System of Rice Intensification, or SRI, a tool promoted throughout the ECHO Asia network as a way to increase farmers’ rice yields and reduce their inputs.


Asia   SRI   System of Rice Int...  

Development work in Haiti recovering slowly after disaster, creative solutions keep education moving 2015-05-26

In the midst of many challenges the Episcopal University in Port au Prince, Haiti is continuing to find creative ways to train tomorrow’s agriculture leaders. Since the earthquake the university has had to rearrange the agriculture curriculum due to the fact that student dorms are no longer habitable. In the face of this reality the university has focused its "on farm" curriculum on subjects that lend themselves to 2 day a week visit by the students and professors. The new focus includes subjects like composting, bee keeping and fruit tree grafting.


Latin America and ...  

Paper Mulch as Soil Covering and Environmental Conservation 2015-05-19

Mulch is a protective covering of organic material laid over the soil around plants to prevent erosion, retain moisture, and to enrich soil. Paper mulch, made of magazines, boxes and other paper materials, is laid on top of traditional materials such as grass, fruit peels and leaves. This technology is especially appropriate in dry areas where water is not sufficient because it helps to control water loss.

ECHO Notas de Desarrollo #127 Ahora Desponible 2015-05-05

Extracto: Proveedores privados de servicios: los preferidos por los pequeños productores

Como todos los productores, los pequeños productores necesitan servicios de apoyo que proporcionen insumos para la producción, mercadeen la producción excedente y contribuyan con otros servicios como mecanización por contrato (para la preparación de la tierra, el procesamiento post-producción, valor agregado inicial), crédito, etc. Dentro de las comunidades agrícolas de pequeños productores los Proveedores Privados de Servicios (PPS) normalmente proporcionan estos servicios esenciales de apoyo que, si tuvieran que realizarlos individualmente, los distraería de la actividad económica principal de agricultura y cría de animales. Estos PPS forman parte de un sistema de Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (PYME) bien reconocido y promovido. Frecuentemente son referidos de forma más exacta como Sistema de Empresa Familiar (SEF). Dichos PPS por lo general pertenecen a las comunidades a las que sirven y a menudo representan a ex productores que han abandonado la producción agrícola para convertirse en proveedores de servicios a sus vecinos. Estas empresas con frecuencia pertenecen a mujeres y son operadas por ellas y a menudo tienen un volumen de mercado tan limitado que operan cerca del nivel de pobreza.

New Leaders in Indonesian Small-Scale Farm Development 2015-04-28

YAS Project managers Hermansyah and Anthony, along with Mr. and Mrs. Kusnadi, attended the 2011 ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference in Thailand. Their purpose was to network with other individuals and organizations like theirs, and to learn about techniques that could be implemented in their area. During the conference they were particularly impacted by a trip to Maejo University vermicomposting facility, which focuses on using worms to break down organic food waste in order to produce high-quality compost and worm juice. Inspired by what they saw during the field trip, the team went back to Medan and began experimenting with various vermicomposting systems.

Asia   Vermiculture   Small Farm Resourc...  

Bike-powered Appropriate Technology featured in Smithsonian Magazine 2015-04-20

The coffee team from IDDS Tanzania was highlighted in Smithsonian Magazine this month with a story about how a self-taught Tanzanian inventor, nonprofit workers, and MIT students collaborated on a potentially life-changing tool for coffee growers.

East Africa   Bicycle   Coffee   Appropriate Techno...  

Research Update: From The ECHO Global Farm 2015-04-06

Two new field experiments are being established this month at ECHO’s Global Demonstration Farm in southwest Florida. Both studies involve tropical legumes, which provide farmers with a source of green manure, grain, and/or animal fodder.
