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ISHS2025 CarlosIglesiasDr. Carlos Iglesias

Topic: Underutilized species and the use of biodiversity for rural development

Bio: Carlos Iglesias is Professor and Director of the Plant Breeding Consortium at North Carolina State University and a consultant for the  Gates Foundation in root and tuber crops. Crops featured in his research include Bambara groundnuts and seven species of African indigenous leafy greens. He has experience with underutilized crop production in diverse agricultural systems in North America, Brazil, Argentina, and Sub-Saharan Africa. He will discuss projects that leverage germplasm from existing centers of biodiversity to support the development of farming communities.


ISHS2025Festo MasaweDr. Festo Massawe

Topic: Potential for underutilized crops to improve nutrition security and socio-economic equity in a changing world

Professor Festo Massawe is a crop scientist with expertise in crop diversity, sustainable and resilient food systems. He is a former Head of School of Biosciences at the University of Nottingham Malaysia and currently leads Food Systems Diversification Research team. He has extensive experience in developing and leading research, training and knowledge exchange activities focused on underutilised crops (and has worked) with partners in Asia, Africa and Europe. His research is focused on promoting food systems diversification through wider use of underutilised plant species, believing that these efforts will lead to a healthy, sustainable and resilient future.