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Edible: Fruit, Leaves

A fig. It is a small bushy tree. It grows 6-8 m high and spreads to 2-5 m across. The branches are hollow. It has strangling roots but not aerial roots. The trunk is short and fairly straight and slender. The bark is grey. The young shoots are red and hairy. The leaves are alternate and simple. The leaves are 10-35 cm long by 6-12 cm wide. The leaf stalks are 2-9 cm long. The leaves are dark green, thin and rough on both surfaces. The trees are separately male and female. The fig is 3-5 cm across. They are reddish-green and borne in clumps on the trunk and larger branches. The figs split open and are red inside. There are some varieties described based on the colour and size of the figs.

It is a tropical and subtropical plant. It occurs naturally in monsoonal rainforests. It grows on alluvial soils and on sandstone slopes. In Nepal plants are grown between 500-1100 m altitude. In S China it grows between 1000-1500 m altitude. In XTBG Yunnan.

Common Names: White Sandpaper Fig, Boombil, Hairy Fig, Adavi atti, Ara bombong, Ara lempong, Ara senigai, Ara sungai, Ashi heibong, Baidimiri, Bhokada, Bhuty umbar, Bisoro, Bodamamidi, Boikwe, Bokria, Brammadi, Buddachettu, Bhui umbar, Bhuty umbar, Daduri, Dagurin, Damur, Dhedaumaro, Dimiri, Dimoru, Dui ye rong, Dumoor, Dumur, Dumur dhaugri, Engthum, Epu, Erumanakku, Gobla, Gular, Hpauwu, Ingthum, Irthot, Jangali aanjir, Jangliangir, Jangli umbar, Jia jhra, Ka-aung, Kadatti, Kadut, Kagsha, Kakadumbra, Kakodumar, Kala umbar, Kalumber, Katgularia, Kathgular, Kathumbar, Kautaik, Kha-aung, Khandao, Kharoti, Khasreti, Khasreto, Khasattya, Khasrey, Khoksha dumru, Khoksa, Koksa, Kothayo, Koth umbo, Kukto belo, Leluwing, Lovie prei, Luwing, Lvea prey, Madue plong, Mai-nawt-hpu, Malayu, Ngai, Nithutong, Ovachidoshi, Pakar, Panidimiri, Peyatta, Peyatti, Pohon ara luwing, Radoshi, Rough leafed fig, Sakhap, Seniah, Senil, Sonatti, Swamp fig, Takpi, Thei-thawt, Thiwek, Thote, Thotne, Tote, Totmila, Umbo


Covellia assamica Miq.;
Covellia courtallensis Miq.;
Covellia daemonum (J. Koenig ex Vahl) Miq.;
Covellia dasycarpa Miq.;
Covellia hispida (L.) Miq.;
Covellia oppositifolia (Roxb.) Gasp.;
Covellia setulosa Miq.,
Covellia wightiana Miq.,
Ficus auriculata Trimen, not Loureiro;
Ficus courtallensis (Miq.) Baill.;
Ficus daemonum J. Koenig ex Vahl;
Ficus fecunda Blume;
Ficus goolereea Roxb.;
Ficus hispida forma borneensis Miq.;
Ficus hispida var. incana Kuntze;
Ficus hispida var. obovifolia Hochr.;
Ficus hispida var. viridis Kuntze;
Ficus hispidioides S. Moore;
Ficus letacqui H. Lev. & Vaniot;
Ficus mollis Willd.;
Ficus oppositifolia Roxb.;
Ficus perinteregam Pennant;
Ficus poilanei Gagnep.;
Ficus prominens Wall. ex Miq.;
Ficus sambucixylon H. Lev. & Vaniot;
Ficus setistyla Warb.;
Ficus symphytifolia Lam.;
Ficus scabra Jacq.;
Gonusuke daemonum (J. Koenig ex Vahl) Raf.;
Gonusuke hispida (L.) Raf.;
Gonusuke scabra (Jacq.) Raf.;
Perin-teregam Rheede;
Sycomorphe roxburghii Miq.;
