Macrosocial Determinants of Population Health explores social factors such as culture, mass media, political systems, and migration that influence population health while systematically considering how we may best study these factors and use our knowledge from this study to guide health...
1990/01/01 This paper presents examples of such plants belonging to 19 botanical families, with a view to calling attention to the similar uses of easily extracted plant mucilages and, particularly, their ability to provide protection from fire, a feature which has already been demonstrated in Australia.
This2012 updated reprintofHelping Health Workers Learnensures that the book continues to be an accurate companion toWhere There Is No Doctor, with updated references, new contact information for recommended organizations and materials, and changes to some of the appropriate technologies. All...
1976/01/19 The underlying philosophy of the New Encyclopedia of Common Diseases is 'natural is best." This means that when there is solid scientific evidence that drugless, non-surgical treatments have proven effective, they are emphasized.
The Medicine Show is a bookful of down-to-earth, needed information. Most chapters are drawn from material published over the years in Consumer Reports. The book concludes on a note of particular helpfulness, with counsel on choosing both a doctor and a hospital, and with some basic facts about...
2007/01/01 This is an amazing manual covering animal functions of all the major domestic animals. It contains an incredible amount of information in one volume. It is written in a simple, easy to understand style, supplemented with many good illustrations. This book was developed to benefit rural people in...
2012/08/25 Donde ho hay doctores más que un libro de primeros auxilios. Trata sobre muchas cosas que afectan la salud del campesino, desde la diarrea hasta la tuberculosis, desde el buen y mal uso de los remedios caseros hasta el uso cuidadoso de ciertas medicinas modernas. El libro hace hincapié en la...
Village Medical Manual is a two-volume guide to health care in developing countries where expert medical care can be hard to find. Its intended use is by those who are required, by location and circumstances, to render medical care for which they are not professionally trained. Reader-friendly...
1995/01/01 This book speaks to the challenges of small farm pig production. The two main themes of malnutrition and parasite control are dealt with in depth, utilizing very practical ideas and methods. The author repeatedly emphasizes the need to deal with these issues if the farmer is to be successful in...
Key Resource1992/01/01 Hesperian's classic manual,Where There Is No Doctor, is arguably the most widely-used health care manual in the world. This 2015 updated reprint features updated medication information, a newly revised family planning chapter, new treatments for a variety of infections, and more. All Hesperian...