1999/03/19 Three programs in Honduras have been looking for ways that poor hillside farmers can capture rainwater in their own fields and hold it there for two or three months. This water could then be used for supplemental irrigation during droughts or for extending the cropping season into the dry season....
2007/10/20 For many years, a popular demonstration on ECHO’s farm has been the rope washer pump, made from materials that are available in any country—PVC pipe, an old tire, rope, washers made from tires, and a little wood. Because it can be made on the farm it can also be repaired by those who made it.
2006/01/20 Seeds ofMoringa oleiferacan be used to treat water in an emergency or disaster situation. Studies since the early 1970’s have found the seeds to be highly effective in removing suspended particles from water with medium to high levels of turbidity.
2005/07/20 “Gray water” (also “grey water,” “graywater” or “greywater”) is the term used to describe wastewater from dish washing, laundry, bathing, and rinsing. (Note: the term gray water does not refer to toilet waste, which is often called “black water.”) Although gray water does not need extensive...
2006/01/20 Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS) is a way to disinfect water by using ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun to destroy harmful microorganisms.
2017/01/20 Cette publication est le chapitre 3 de livre Options agricoles pour les agriculteurs de petite echelle est un livre rempli d'options pratiques pour ceux qui travaillent pour aider les petits agriculteurs et les jardiniers urbains dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales, dont beaucoup ont du...
2017/01/20 Esta publicación es el Capítulo 3 de Opciones para los agricultores de pequeña escala es un libro lleno de opciones prácticas para aquellos que trabajan para ayudar a los agricultores a pequeña escala y jardineros urbanos en los trópicos y subtrópicos, muchos que luchan para producir suficiente...