1. 1989-04-19 Participatory analysis of the village agroecosystem Research on integrated and organic farming Traditional irrigation Water harvesting Agroforestry and integrated land use in Tanzania Guinea Pig Plant Protection
  2. 1993-12-19 Sustainable growth in Kenya Agroecological planning in Brazil Agriculture or Agribusiness? A strong case for diversity Protecting farmers' rights Bio-organic farming Promoting sustainable land use - the role of NGOs Coming back on chemicals
  3. 2008-03-20 Fair fruit trade Exporting mangoes from Burkina Faso Bolivian producers lobby for change Improved shea butter trading through certification Agroecological cotton and fair trade make the difference Filipino handicrafts Organic and fair trade products attract new customers Corporate challenges to...
  4. 2012-09-20 A pyramid of farmer organisations The rules that keep the group together A powerful learning opportunity Rio + 20 - what now? Farmer organisations Nepal's biodiversity conservation and development committee REAP's agro-ecological villages The strength of farmer organisations The biodiversity...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video To sell agroecological produce, we need to pay attention to four things: organization; negotiation with local authorities; a guarantee system, so consumers know that all the produce is free from agrochemicals; and finally marketing and customer services....
  6. 2002-03-20 Managing agroecosystems Ecological Millenniium An ecosystem approach to health Agriculture and human health Ecology of mycotoxins in maize and groundnuts Ecohealth case studies An emerging consensus on ecosystems and human health
  7. 2006-03-20 Documentation: an effective tool in Farmer Field Schools Building documentation and communication capacities Documentation of animal genetic resources - the LIFE method The LEISA systematization process Our participation in the systematization process Documenting agroecology - Brazil Learning...
  8. 2010-12-20 Planning outcomes in detail More opportunities for scaling up in Central America GMOs are a serious threat to local breeds Enhancing learning within certification schemes Teaching teachers: agroecology in Argentina Can family farmers benefit from bio-fuels? Farmer Field Schools take root in...
  9. 2012-06-20 Twenty years later Poverty alleviation - dignity, ecological growth or just money? Agrobiodiversity@knowledged: enhancing the debate for a real transformation Feeding the worldin the twenty-first century Agro-ecological approaches to enhance resilience to climate change Farmers and markets:...
  10. 2013-09-20 The Shashe Agro-Ecology School Learning AgriCultures Improved extension in Paraguay Seeds and farmer field schools Reflecting upon practice A university's model for local development Connecting social movements, family farmers and the university Training teachers in Afghasistan A new cadre of...