2009-10-20 The main purpose of this article is to provide introductory information for those who are new to peanuts and may be wondering how peanut varieties or subspecies may differ from each other.
2008-10-20 Faba bean is one of the oldest dual-use food and fodder species. The beans are rich in minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins. Containing approximately 26% protein, 2% fat, and 50% carbohydrate, faba bean is considered in some regions to be superior to field peas or other legumes as a human...
2009-07-20 Grain legumes can be a tremendously important tool in combating malnutrition. The term “grain legume” or “pulse crop” is used for leguminous crops (e.g. cowpea, beans, peanut), the seeds of which are harvested dry and then cooked in various ways or made into flour. Being legumes, they provide a...
2009-01-20 Native to Central America, Jicama is also known as the Mexican Turnip or Yam Bean. The edible part is a large tuber that develops just below the surface of the ground (Figure 3). The rest of the plant is mildly toxic.
2008-01-01 Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) is a drought tolerant legume used as forage for livestock or as food for people (seeds are roasted, cooked into porridge or ground for use in bread). The plant thrives in poor soil, drought or flooding.
2009-04-01 In a recent publication of the Journal of Agronomy for Sustainable Development, researchers (Montes-Molina et al) found that the antibacterial properties of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract significantly lower the soil population of the bacterium Rhizobium spp. in plantings of beans...
2008-10-20 When a legume is growing in its native habitat, it is likely that the appropriate bacteria are present in the soil. If nodules are present on the roots, especially along the taproot near the crown, and if the nodules are pink or red inside, then an appropriate bacterial strain is living in the...
Do hwe yixͻ waji mεwi gbéji tͻn ͻn, wanvu Maruca vitrata tͻn dée nͻ tͻn ayikun sin akpalε do gleji ͻ, nͻ hεn nu gégé gblé do ayikun gléji. Ayikun ka nyi ama jinukun dée nͻ na kwin. é bo do vivε mε tawun do glétoxo dé déé mε wε akun nͻ do dé do mεwi gbeji lε é. Yé nͻ do dó glé εktar liva wéwè élan...
2016-11-20 The 2:4 maize–double cowpea system consists of a repeating sequence of 4 rows of cowpea alternated with 2 rows of maize. Maize and cowpea are planted on the same day. The second cowpea crop is planted after the first has been harvested (about 60 days after planting).1The objective of this trial...