Purpose: The purpose of this document is not necessarily to answer each question with a yes or no, but rather as a bullet point list to help think through strengths and weaknesses of starting a new project or revisiting an existing project. Not all the questions apply in every situation. It is another tool to help keep us focused on a sustainable vision.
Researching a technology
Will it create more dependency or paternalism?
Does the technology respond to the farmers’ felt needs?
Does the technology utilize the resources available in the community?
Is the technology simple to understand?
Will the technology be sustainable?
Is the technology culturally acceptable to the community?
Can the poorest of the community attain this technology?
Does the technology bring glory to God (no alcohol, tobacco, or other vices) ?
Is it labor intensive rather than capital intensive?
Are you avoiding doing for the farmer what he can do for himself?
Developing a new technology
Have you tried it on your own test plot?
Are you starting slowly?
Has the technology been successfully tried in other areas and regions?
Can the local market absorb it (think transportation, storage, processing, marketing, etc.)?
Introducing a new technology
Can it be developed into a teaching program?
Can spiritual principles be interwoven?
Does the technology afford an opportunity for farmers to work together?
Are you starting small?
Are you limiting the technology (not introducing too many ideas at once)?
Success of the new technology
What are you goals and objectives in implementing this technology?
What would happen if this program fails? Would there be negative impacts?
Will it bring a recognizable impact quickly (in a new area, a project like a tree program might take discouragingly long)?
Felt need - the deficiencies or difficulties people perceive in their community.
Paternalism -a system of dependency where a community or an individual looks to an outside source such as an NGO to supply their needs as a child does to a parent.
Sustainability - Broadly used word. In our context, when a technology, project, or program is able to exist without any outside intervention and will continue to do so long after the initial source is gone.
Technology -Any plant, product, or scientific knowledge, regardless how simple or complex, that will advance a community or individual’s wellbeing. Example: spacing corn evenly in a row is a new technology in some communities.
Walking with Farmers in Developing Countries