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Schizostachyum hainanense



From Bamboos of Thailand, Native and Introduced Species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) — An Annotated Compilation, by D. Ohrnberger (Khun Dieter – คุณดีเท่อร์)

Habit tight caespitose. Rhizomes pachymorph, short-necked. Culms basally erect or slanted, straight throughout (not flexuous), apically long-pendulous, almost clambering, tips drooping; culm length to 18 m, to 5 cm in diameter (→ table with culm size dimensions). Young shoots emerge from July to September/October. Culm-internodes to 98 cm long, dark green, smooth and glabrous near the base (that portion of the internode covered by a culm-leaf sheath), other portions irregularly thinly farinose and covered with short appressed whitish hairs; thin-walled (7–11 mm near the base, 1.5–2 mm thick on mid-culm). Culm-nodes not prominent. Branch-buds solitary, small, the 2–4 lowermost nodes without buds. Branches many, thin, subequal, 60–80 (110) cm long. Culm-leaves deciduous. Culm-leaf sheaths light green, changing to orange-green, orange, or yellowish-brown when young, light straw-colored when dry, farinose, with appressed, stiff, white(!) hairs; the base of the outer overlapping margin usually with a small(!) subcircular projection below the point of attachment; apex symmetrical, truncate(!), horizontal or slightly concave. Culm-leaf auricles absent or very low (0.5 mm high) rims; oral hairs pale, to 2 cm long, erect, usually straight. Culm-leaf ligule 1 mm high, fimbriate. Culm-leaf blade reflexed, long and narrow. Foliage-leaves 5–10 per branchlet. Foliage-leaf sheaths to 9 cm long, green with a reddish apex when young, light straw-colored when dry, glabrous; margins pale ciliate or eciliate. Foliage-leaf auricles absent or very low (0.5 mm) rims; oral hairs pale, long, erect, usually straight. Foliage-leaf ligule inconspicuous, margin fimbriate; outer ligule a low glabrous ridge. Foliage-leaf blades medium-sized, oblong-lanceolate, 6–27 cm long, 2–3 (3.7) cm wide, dark green, rough and glabrous above, puberulent beneath; base rounded to cuneate; apex attenuate; margins antrorsely scabrous; midrib proximally prominent on both surfaces; pseudopetiole 3–5 mm long. Flowers and seeds are unknown.



THAILAND: Records of a successful introduction with correct species identification are not available. — CHINA (South): Hainan. — VIETNAM (North); in primary tropical forests.



Culms for basketry, other weaving articles, handicrafts, and flutes; plants as garden ornamentals.



Easy growing; in part shade, sandy loam to clay loam, normal moisture-retentive to moist with good drainage. May withstand light frost to −2 °C.



Bibliography of Bamboos of Thailand


Noms courants

  • chinois
    • 山骨罗竹 (shān gǔ luō zhú)