Silage Production
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- Abstract,Journal of Dairy Science, 2018 Silage makingcan be conveniently divided into field, ensiling, storage, and feed-out phases. In all of these stages, controllable and uncontrollable components can affectsilagequality. For instance, silages produced in hot or cold regions are strongly...
- Abstract, Asian-Aust. Journal of Animal Science, 2010 The improvement of the fermentation quality of rice straw silage by application of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and glucose was investigated in this study. Sixteen rice varieties were harvested at the maturity stage and the rice straw was...
- The livestock sector is of crucial importance to the economies of states like Hawai‘i with limited opportunities, especially in terms of employment, incomes, and food security. Although the numbers of livestock producers in the state have remained relatively stable, the number of breeding animals...
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- How to improve the nutrition of farmers’ milking animals when each family keeps only one dairy cow? During the cold, continental winter, the major fodders available are wheat or maize straw, together with hay and concentrated feeds. As a minimum, it is essential to provide a green fodder...