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  1. This resource generously provided for publication by Global Service Corps. Over the last two years keyhole gardens have been promoted in different communities throughout different programmes in African countries. They are popular and productive across vastly different environments and cultures....
  2. 20/01/2008 The district of Mafeteng was selected for a pilot project carried out between November 2004 and May 2008 to support food and nutrition security and livelihoods of vulnerable HIV-affected communities, in particular orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). This initiative was supported under the...
  3. 03/11/2015
  4. 08/04/2016 Sara Delaney a présenté un exposé lors de la Conférence internationale de ECHO sur l’agriculture en Novembre 2015. Un projet q’elle avait mentionné a eu des taux d’adoption remarquables, et nous avons pensé que ce serait un bon cas d’étude à partager dans EDN. Au cours de l’introduction de...
  5. 07/08/2018 Session: The presentation will elaborate on how useful these kitchen gardens in ensuring nutrition at household level Biographical Information: Charles Bonaventure (called "Bonny”) is a Technical Advisor for ECHO East Africa. Bonny worked with the Tanzanian government since 1986 before joining...
  6. 19/03/2025 Home gardens are typically small growing areas near the homestead that contain crops of specific importance to the family. Home gardens offer quick access to herbs, fruits, and vegetables that help boost household nutrition.This article will detail step-by-step instructions for how to make a tire...