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Edible : Fruit - aril, Pod pulp.

A tree. It grows 5-20 m tall. The branches are angular and hairy. The leaves are compound and alternate. There are 2 pairs of leaflets. The end pair are the largest. The leaves are 10-30 cm long by 5-18 cm wide. The fruit is a pod. They are 20-80 cm long by 4-5 cm wide and 2-3 cm thick. It is constricted between the seeds. The pod has black seeds. The pulp is white.

A tropical plant. It grows in tropical America. In Panama it grows up to 1,000 m altitude.

Other names :

A'cho fino, Bribri, Bu, Castella pakay, Guaba, Guaba pi-tsan, Guama, Guamo macheto, Guavo de castilla, Guavo real, Machetona, Machitnius, Manka allpa kachi, Monkey tambrin, Paben, Pabenka, Pakay, Spectacular inga, Ttembonga fino, Ice Cream Bean


Acacia fulgens Labill.;
Albizia fulgens (Labill.) Benth.;
Archidendron fulgens (Labill.) I. C. Nielsen;
Feuilleea spectabilis (Vahl) Kuntze;
Inga fulgens (Labill.) Kunth;
Inga lucida Kunth;
Inga smithii Britton & Killip;
Mimosa spectabilis Vahl.;
