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  1. Ressource principale
    01/01/2001 L’accès à l’eau potable est encore aujourd’hui un des plus grands défis mondiaux. Le filtre BioSand est une technologie disponible pour purifier l’eau à la maison. Il filtre l’eau contaminée à l’aide d’un film biologique naturel et de couches de sable, de cailloux et de pierres. Le filtre BioSand...
  2. 28/10/2014 Access to clean drinking water remains one of the greatest challenges in the world. The BioSand Filter is one method that can be used for purifying water at the household level. With this filter, contaminated water is filtered through a natural biological layer and then layers of sand, pebbles...
  3. 20/10/2014
  4. 20/10/2011
  5. One billion people lack safe drinking water. Every day they risk their lives and health by drinking from contaminated sources: they are missing out on a basic human right. Here the biosand filter can make a difference, providing safe drinking water, right where it’s needed most: at household...
  6. 01/03/2016 Session: Water filtration methods including use of Biosand Filters and Hollow Fiber Membrane filters Aqua Clara's entrepreneurial approach to providing safe water for all communities Training for other organization's to replicate the BSF and HF filters for their organization. Aqua Clara...
  7. 06/02/2018 Speaker Bio: Manny Asprec is the Director and co-founder of SEED Project - Asia. Manny and his family lived in Nepal for a number of years where he used the bio-sand water filter to have safe water for the family. Also, he helped introduced F.A.I.T.H. [Food Always In The Home] gardening as a tool...