A garden in a tall sack is a simple home project and a good solution for city homes that don’t have much outdoor space. We made one for the first time in a couple of hours, leaned it against the side of a house and planted it with hot peppers, basil and sweet potatoes. Sack gardens can work in...
Abstract, BMC Public Health, 2019 Background There has been an increasing interest in urban agriculture (UA) practice and research in recent years. Scholars have already reported numerous beneficial and potential adverse impacts of UA on health-related outcomes. This scoping review aims to...
Abstract,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019 The present study aimed at analysis of a sustainable technique of framing, thus economizing the land area through management of space, and also increasing the farming output, improved management of...
AccessAgriculture Training Video Le meilleur compost pour les buttes en sacs est celui fait à partir de fumier de volaille et de résidus végétaux. Si vous utilisez ce compost, la butte produira beaucoup de légumes pendant une longue période. Langues disponibles Anglais ArabeBambara Bangla...
Abstract, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2013 As many countries in sub-Saharan Africa undergo rapid urbanization, a growing number of people are joining the ranks of the urban poor. Urban agriculture is a livelihood strategy used by the poorto improve their...
19/03/2025 Home gardens are typically small growing areas near the homestead that contain crops of specific importance to the family. Home gardens offer quick access to herbs, fruits, and vegetables that help boost household nutrition.This article will detail step-by-step instructions for how to make a tire...