1. AGRISconstitue une excellente occasion d'améliorer l'analyse des résultats agricoles et, partant, de contribuer à informer les investissements, l'innovation et les politiques en matière d’agriculture, afin de susciter des changements propices à une plus grande durabilité du secteur agricole.La...
  2. Through sustained agricultural food production using ducks, fish, and crops this experiment sets out to be a means to love the poor. A system was built where ducks, fish, and crops could feed off each other's wastes. The plants and ducks grew well but there was not enough oxygen for the fish.
  3. This handbook on rabbit raising tries to adopt stateside information to local situations and attempts to share the many experiences and knowledge gained by rabbit raisers in the Philippines.
  4. 01/01/1977 Nutrient requirements and signs of deficiency and toxicty, where known, are presented and discussed. Requirements for growth, maintenance, gestation, and lactation are presented in tabular form.
  5. 01/01/1983 Organized according to the nautral reproductive cycle of the ewe, The Sheep Book begins with suggestions on buying sheep and building a flock, then continues with chapters on flushing, breeding, gestation, lambing, lactation, and weaning. Within each chapter are discussions of the nutritional and...
  6. 15/11/1976 Participants in this workshop included international authorities on sheep and goat production and on agricultural development. These technical papers and following discussions have been summarized by the editors of these proceedings. 43 pages
  7. Introduces shepherding to novice producers such as 4-H members, hobbyists, and farmers. The book is written by an experienced sheep producer, with chapters by a ruminant nutritionist and a veterinarian.
  8. Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science Sheep: (Ovis aries) There are a number of different theories regarding the origins of domestic sheep. However, most sources agree that they originated from mouflon. There are two wild populations of mouflons still in existence: the Asiatic...
  9. 01/12/1976 Amazon.com Description Raising Sheep the Modern Way covers everything from breeds of sheep to recipes. It is a must read for anyone new to raising sheep, and is a good reference book for the experienced shepherd as well. I have been in the sheep business for 14 years. I purchased the book when I...
  10. This book discusses advances in sheep and goat medicine. It covers such topics as clinical nutrition, breeding, ventilation, diseases, and routine sheep and goat procedures.