1. 01/01/2010 Les parasites se manifestent généralement en cas de bouleversement des processus biologiques, écologiques et sociologiques qui sous-tendent l'agriculture. En plus d'apporter des informations sur la gestion durable des menaces biotiques portées à une production végétale saine, ce guide suggère...
  2. 01/01/2000 This book has the same information as the first edition, but with some of the language simplified for those who are reading English as a second language. It includes a glossary of terms. It covers all aspects of horse care from selection of healthy equines, to equine first aid and dental care. (1...
  3. Ressource principale 01/01/1989 This fascinating, readable volume is filled with enticing, detailed information about more than 30 different Incan crops that promise to follow the potato's lead and become important contributors to the world's food supply. Some of these overlooked foods offer special advantages for developing...
  4. Ressource principale 27/10/2006 This report is the second in a series of three evaluating underexploited African plant resources that could help broaden and secure Africa's food supply. The volume describes the characteristics of 18 little-known indigenous African vegetables (including tubers and legumes) that have potential as...
  5. Ressource principale 25/01/2008 This book is the third in a series evaluating underexploited African plant resources that could help broaden and secure Africa's food supply. The volume describes 24 little-known indigenous African cultivated and wild fruits that have potential as food- and cash-crops but are typically overlooked...
  6. 01/01/2012 Les aulacodes, ces gros rongeurs que l'on retrouve communément dans la nature dans les zones de savane, les clairières, les zones humides ou marécageuses d'Afrique, se reproduisent de manière prolifique, grandissent rapidement et sont faciles à élever. Souvent appelés plus communément « hérissons...
  7. 01/01/2006 Why do our farm animals get sick and how can we keep them healthy?" This is a question veterinarians and other specialists who work with small farmers hear frequently. Most of these farmers work very hard, giving time, effort, and loving care to their animals in the hope that their farm will be...
  8. 01/01/1983 Since the earliest times man has used plants to create physical barriers: as protection against wild animals and enemies; for shelter of dwellings, gardens, crops and livestock against injurious winds; to hide unsightly buildings or features of the environment; to provide privacy and for many...
  9. 20/01/2014 Les oies étant très prisées pour leur viande, leur foie, leurs plumes et leur duvet, leur élevage peut s'avérer être une entreprise très rentable. Cet ouvrage pratique et illustré en couleur donne des conseils sur l'élevage des oies et vous guidera à travers ce processus. Avec de nombreux...
  10. All countries have animals that are raised as a source of nutrition. It may be an individually raised animal, or a small herd, that meets the need of meat protein for the people. With this comes a means of slaughter. The proper methods for preparation of meat for human consumption are important...