1. Abstract,Scientific Electronic Library Online, 2013 Further food production may be limited by the reduced availability of water resources. Since irrigated agriculture is the productive sector that presents a higher demand of water, this sector has been under intense pressure in order to ensure...
  2. Abstract, Irrigation and Drainage, 2011 The African Market Garden (AMG) is a holistic horticultural production system for small producers based on low‐pressure drip irrigation combined with a crop management package. Over the last 10 years ICRISAT (the International Crops Research Institute for...
  3. 19/01/2016 Prof. Dov Pasternak working in Israel, was among the pioneers of drip irrigation. He researched irrigation with saline water and conducted domestication of arid land crops. He received a UNESCO Chair for his work on desert research. For over 10 years Prof. Pasternak worked as Principal Scientist...
  4. Abstract,GlobalWaterForum, 2016 With the objective of modernising smallholder agriculture, several organisations have designed different micro drip irrigation kits for the irrigation of smallholder farms in the developing world. As a promising technology for more efficient water and labour...
  5. Abstract, Development Engineering, 2018 Successful scale-up of any development project requires a deep understanding of the real-world economics of the intervention, and compelling evidence that such an investment would be worthwhile. This cost-benefit estimate is typically assessed in two ways:...
  6. 29/01/2019 Plus de 4 millions de personnes dans le Sahel ouest-africain font face à des difficultés suite à des périodes de sécheresse et à la hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires. En juin, la FAO a envoyé près de 10 millions de dollars d'aide aux agriculteurs de la région frappés par la sécheresse, qui...