1. SEFO-SAM is the leading company in the production and marketing of quality forage seeds in Bolivia, founded by Ing. Daniel Blanc 50 years ago as a project to supply high quality seeds formed by the Swiss Technical Cooperation (COTESU), the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) and mainly the more...
  2. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a very drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, cool season crop that tolerates heat during fruiting and ripening. It is grown as a cool season annual in a broad belt through the Mediterranean region to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Europe, Central, and...
  3. Maize is an annual, warm-climate crop in the grass family, thriving in open sunny environments with daytime temperatures of 20-24C. Maize is used fresh, frozen, canned, rolled and roasted for corn flakes, pressed for oil, or processed for ethanol as fuel. Maize is also an important feed source...
  4. Link to Access Agriculture videos that are translated to Quechua Improved livelihoods of rural communities through sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurship. Our Mission To promote innovations in sustainable agriculture and rural enterprises through capacity development and...
  5. AccessAgriculture Video Nous agriculteurs, hommes et femmes, avons le droit de vendre nos semences, de les conserver et de les échanger. S’ils nous interdisaient d’échanger ou de vendre nos semences de patate, cela mettrait fin à nos vies parce que c’est ce dont nous dépendons. Langues...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les agriculteurs guatémaltèques expliquent comment cultiver des haricots dans les zones chaudes et dans les basfonds en sélectionnant d’abord une variété de haricots adaptée à la chaleur. Ils sement les haricots en hiver et doivent parfois fournir de l'irrigation....
  7. Documents provided by ECHO network members in Haiti to serve the Creole language.
  8. Encuentra información sobre: Métodos de agricultura Selección de cultivos nutritivos Indicadores de impacto
  9. Encuentra temas como recetarios de chaya y cultivos nativos, alimentación complementaria y snacks saludables.
  10. Encuentra información sobre: Intervenciones nutricionales, educación y consumo de alimentos, accesibilidad, agua y saneamiento, alimentación complementaria y otros.