1. 20/01/2020 The research methodology was based on the following multi-method research approach, using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, with checklists and tools developed for each: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice baseline and endline studies through 46 Focus Group Discussions with...
  2. 20/03/2018 The livelihoods and nutritional impacts of LEGS interventions LEGS Briefing Paper This Briefing Paper summarizes the livelihoods and nutritional impacts of LEGS interventions during drought, and then examines these impacts in relation to recent trends in aid funding to livestock-related support...
  3. 20/09/2020 Document de réflexion dans le cadre des Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS) Yacob Aklilu Ce document a été commandité pour évaluer les régimes d’assurance du bétail et explorer les données probantes qui existent concernant la mise en œuvre efficace de ces polices d’...
  4. 20/10/2020 Document de réflexion dans le cadre des Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS) Holly Hufnagel L’objectif de ce document est d’informer le Comité consultatif technique de LEGS sur les questions ayant trait à la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques vétérinaires pour les...
  5. 20/09/2020 Document de réflexion dans le cadre des Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS) Holly Hufnagel L’objectif de ce document est d’informer le Comité consultatif technique de LEGS sur les questions ayant trait à la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques vétérinaires pour les...
  6. The Members of the Coalition worktogether to lobby their national governments, European Union (EU) bodies (Council, Parliament and Commission) as well as other policy-formulating bodies/ agencies in Europe (e.g. the European Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva and the FAO in Rome) to...
  7. The Members of the Coalition worktogether to lobby their national governments, European Union (EU) bodies (Council, Parliament and Commission) as well as other policy-formulating bodies/ agencies in Europe (e.g. the European Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva and the FAO in Rome) to...
  8. LEGS is underpinned by a livelihoods approach and is based on three livelihoods objectives: Providing immediate benefits to crisis-affected communities Protecting the livestock-related assets of crisis-affected communities Assisting the re-building of key assets among crisis-affected communities...
  9. 01/01/2021 This publication provides information on the top 10 benefits Pastoralism on a community and the environment.Pastoral activities span more than 100 countries, and contribute to global development and food security. This presents opportunities for securing widespread benefits of pastoralism and its...
  10. Pastoralists make the most of resources distributed unevenly over space and time to provide a range of goods and services. Operating in a shock-prone environment, pastoralists deploy endogenous strategies such as mobility, diversification in agriculture or in non-agricultural activities,...