1. 01/01/1995 Provides a historical foundation as well as a review of the state-of-the-art in forage science, detailing 25 years of progress in forage quality, evaluation, and utilization, along with the latest developments and new directions for future research. The volume is divided into six sections:...
  2. 01/09/1977 27 pages, illustrated, photos Winrock Report
  3. 01/01/1988 The Ruminant Animal represents a compilation of up-to-date information on major topics related to nutrient requirements and nutrient metaboism. You will note that each chapter has been newly illustrated and assimilates recent research citations.
  4. 01/01/1978 This volume of studies from the World Animal Review contains articles published on ruminant nutrition in the first twenty-four issues of the journal, presenting the experience and the results of work of animal scientists from 11 countries. Although the principal focus of the articles is on the...
  5. 01/01/1986 In preparing this guide, we have drawn upon scientific knowledge and practical experience to create a document composed of a series of concepts that are organized as they might be approached by localfarmers. We have attempted to focus upon many experienced-based concepts and to present them in...
  6. 01/01/1993 The aim of this series of publications is to bring together published information on selected genera of trees which have the potential to increase the supply of fodder for ruminants. This booklet on Cassia summarizes published information on the fodder characteristics and nutritive value of one...
  7. 01/01/2015 Pour beaucoup d’agriculteurs démunis de ressources, la paille est vitale pour l'alimentation animale et à d’autres fins. Or les pressions se font de plus en plus fortes pour l’utiliser comme matière première et comme carburant. Destiné aux agents de vulgarisation, aux conseillers et aux petits...